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he contacted me for sex (email), saying that he "only has an hour" as he is so 'busy"


its taking all my strength to say no, i am completely screwed up about this guy. I think well maybe if i sleep with him he will get feelings. Thats seriously is what goes through my head , and i DO know how ridiculous that is.


Thi is my previous thread:



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ha ha. Why can't I get a girl this wound up about me? Maybe it's my stripey dog that has them thinking twice.


Be strong, mishy. There is nothing to be gained from giving in to your primal urges. There is much to lose.

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ha ha. Why can't I get a girl this wound up about me? Maybe it's my stripey dog that has them thinking twice.


Be strong, mishy. There is nothing to be gained from giving in to your primal urges. There is much to lose.



lol Nice guys finish last alledgedly


I am feeling so desperate i just feel like getting in the car and driving and not looking back


its just become such a pattern over 2 years, and I think well why does he always come back to me? Obviously i want there to be feelings deep down for him, but its probably because im just a free hooker to him.

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lol Nice guys finish last alledgedly


Oh yeah. I forgot. :(


I am feeling so desperate i just feel like getting in the car and driving and not looking back


its just become such a pattern over 2 years, and I think well why does he always come back to me? Obviously i want there to be feelings deep down for him, but its probably because im just a free hooker to him.


Just be strong. Don't even think about it. Don't ask why or wonder about it. You're asking questions that even he might not be able to answer. It's better to just accept what you know is true. Just stick to your decision and distract yourself until the wave passes.

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Oh yeah. I forgot. :(




Just be strong. Don't even think about it. Don't ask why or wonder about it. Just stick to your decision and distract yourself until the wave passes.


I dont know what my decision is!! I feel such a pull towards him


Im a free hooker though arent i? But then i think well surely after 2 years he cant still see me as that?

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He's admittedly using you. Now you have attached to someone who is incapable of real intimacy.


You are asking questions that you already know the answers to. You need to leave him alone...period. If he calls you for sex, tell him no thanks you do not need that from him. Move on with your life, you know he probably does this with other women too. Are you worried about STD's? Is this guy married or something?


I hate to say this but he is getting sex without having to pay for it. He wont even go on a date with you? Give me a break! Even prostitutes get something out of the deal. NOT calling you a prostitute...but do you see how this is so beneficial to him and is only hurting you?

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He's admittedly using you. Now you have attached to someone who is incapable of real intimacy.


You are asking questions that you already know the answers to. You need to leave him alone...period. If he calls you for sex, tell him no thanks you do not need that from him. Move on with your life, you know he probably does this with other women too. Are you worried about STD's? Is this guy married or something?


I hate to say this but he is getting sex without having to pay for it. He wont even go on a date with you? Give me a break! Even prostitutes get something out of the deal. NOT calling you a prostitute...but do you see how this is so beneficial to him and is only hurting you?



He isnt married


yes i am worried about stds. I havent slept with him in 3 months


No in two years we havent been even OUT anywhere, i mean even past my front gate, let alone a DATE


Well i think i AM a prostitute and a pretty stupid one because i am not even getting paid

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Well i think i AM a prostitute and a pretty stupid one because i am not even getting paid


Why did you do it? Obviously not for the money.

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Just remember you have a choice- it's in your power to say no.


I've been where you are, and the only thing that can come out of a situation like this is pain.


You have to stand up for youself and say no to him. Nothing positive can come of this arrangement.

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He isnt married


yes i am worried about stds. I havent slept with him in 3 months


No in two years we havent been even OUT anywhere, i mean even past my front gate, let alone a DATE


Well i think i AM a prostitute and a pretty stupid one because i am not even getting paid


Hey Mishy, I think that would be a great thing to tell him!! "Hey, I'm not your free prostitute anymore!"


Can't believe he can't even go out with you once in awhile...what an a$$!!!!!!!!

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Just remember you have a choice- it's in your power to say no.


I've been where you are, and the only thing that can come out of a situation like this is pain.


You have to stand up for youself and say no to him. Nothing positive can come of this arrangement.



Its just the pain of saying no, because what that will mean is the reality that he wont want anything to do with me after that becausr all he did want was sex.

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Its just the pain of saying no, because what that will mean is the reality that he wont want anything to do with me after that becausr all he did want was sex.


I know it feels like something is better than nothing. But it isn't. It will only eat away at you.

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Its just the pain of saying no, because what that will mean is the reality that he wont want anything to do with me after that becausr all he did want was sex.


It's up to you to decide if you deem yourself more worthy than just sex to this guy.


Trust me, it's liberating to say no. I recently put my foot down and said "no more" to someone I love that just doesn't love me enough, and I closed the door. It hurt at first because a part of me felt that a little bit was better than nothing- but "a little bit" is worse than nothing.

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It's up to you to decide if you deem yourself more worthy than just sex to this guy.


Trust me, it's liberating to say no. I recently put my foot down and said "no more" to someone I love that just doesn't love me enough, and I closed the door. It hurt at first because a part of me felt that a little bit was better than nothing- but "a little bit" is worse than nothing.


Amen sister!! I have been there too, and it is a good feeling to respect thyself. ;)

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Its just the pain of saying no, because what that will mean is the reality that he wont want anything to do with me after that becausr all he did want was sex.



SO WHAT? get out of this. If you were just after sex none of this would matter to you. You have feelings for this guy and you wont admit it to yourself. But the problem is HE DOESNT HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU! He is using you. Do yourself a favor (probably the biggest one you will ever give yourself) and loose this creep! I just cant believe that you cant see what he is doing to you. Look mishy, everyone goes through terrible heartbreak at some point in their lives. I am going through it right now myself .But the sooner you face it the sooner it will be be over. Quit hanging on you're just going to be miserable. Stand on your own two feet, tell mr. weirdo to get lost. and look for LOVE! not sex. that will come about naturally with someone who loves YOU for who you are. Right now you're just destroying yourself w/ this loser. GET OUT OF THIS, NOW!

Edited by skydiveaddict
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i can understand that it is very painful to have feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way...but i don't understand how you're allowing yourself to be a doormat like this. he clearly said he wants nothing from you, not even friendship, but he'll take a quickie here and there...i'm shocked that you still allow yourself to be in contact with this *******. he has absolutely no respect for you. if you think he's going to eventually change his mind about this, or if you stick around long enough he'll eventually see you in a new light, you're wrong! please please please have more respect for yourself and never contact or let yourself be contacted by this douche ever again.

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Mish here's a little thing I didn't write on my thread. You know I have ( well, HAD) a FWB? I saw him a previous weekend ago and he tried to have sex with me. You know what I said? I told him I didn't want to have sex with him.


Like D-Lish said, it was liberating to say that word, especially since I'm someone who always says yes.


Remember all the things he said to you about just wanting sex without the friendship. Think about how much that hurt you and remember how angry it makes you that you're even worth to be his friend. Then turn all that anger into a big " NO" and walk away.

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I hate to say the old phrase but "your body is a temple" respect it. you have to live with it the rest of your life.

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It's up to you to decide if you deem yourself more worthy than just sex to this guy.


Trust me, it's liberating to say no. I recently put my foot down and said "no more" to someone I love that just doesn't love me enough, and I closed the door. It hurt at first because a part of me felt that a little bit was better than nothing- but "a little bit" is worse than nothing.


Beautifully Spoken D Lish :) !!

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