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Thank you guys!!!


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Thanks for all the advice and bashings!! LOL!! I just dont knowho wto handle this because its all new to me. I didnt know I could feel this way for someone else. my posts are out of confusion and I m just trying to understand how I fell for someone else. BUT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I know its gonna hurt like hell later at some point but damn it, IM ALIVE AGAIN!!!!

Okay let the bashing begin!!

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Thanks for all the advice and bashings!! LOL!! I just dont knowho wto handle this because its all new to me. I didnt know I could feel this way for someone else. my posts are out of confusion and I m just trying to understand how I fell for someone else. BUT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I know its gonna hurt like hell later at some point but damn it, IM ALIVE AGAIN!!!!

Okay let the bashing begin!!


You know what cassiecharlie I won't bash you like others will;)... but I felt this same EXACT way with my XOM to a "T" that was until he took my heart and ripped it out. I hope the same does not happen to you. It hurts and you feel foolish too. My XOM had a girlfriend of 5 years... he ended up choosing her.


I am today thankful for the decision my XOM made because I now realize he was a fantasy to me and I am where I need to be. I don't think I could have had a sustained relationship with my XOM... he was too young and inexperienced.


Hope everything works out for you.

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You might get better help if you stick to one thread.


I realize that you are all over the place in your head and your emotions. Your in love. But can we talk about your wife for a second?


How do you feel about her? Have you considered divorcing her to be with your OW? Can you handle your wife falling for someone else like you have?


How does your OW feel? Does she want to leave her partner?

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