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I'm back, and yes, I kissed her.

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Hey all! I'm done with my vacation, and should be back posting again now. I was worrying for nothing, when I saw her things were just like they have been on the phone/IM/usps. I was going to post a picture of us together, but it will have to wait until I get them developed. I hope it comes out, of all the pictures I have of her, none have me in em.


I didn't have a rose to give her, but that was because, I told her, our humble home's not stocked with winter roses, and all we have are potatoes, which every Irish home always has in surplus. She laughed, but then I gave her a potato, and explained to her that roses are superficial anyway, and in 14 days, the rose will fall apart, and I won't be there to give her another one. But potatoes stay good forever, and that I'll always love her. Then I kissed her, and told her that someday I'd be there to put another rose in the water every time it started to fall apart. Laugh all you want, it was awesome.


Elf was not a good movie, but we had a good time seeing it. Then we walked around a while around town, we stopped by the school we went to and talked about stuff, we just had a good time. We were both relieved that it wasn't different in person, and now that it's over, all of you were right--it hurts more than before.


Oh well, good to be back at home, and on my precious computer. Stick around for the picture.

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Dyer! You're back!!


Glad to hear your visit went well. Still laughing about the potato :laugh: It was very sweet though.


Then I kissed her, and told her that someday I'd be there to put another rose in the water every time it started to fall apart.




*sticking around for pictures, get 'em developed!*



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It wasn't a cooked potato, and it's the friggin thought that counts :p

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hehe I am talking about an uncooked ones. I keep buying them and not using them. Oh boy do I know :)


I can just picture it

*ring ring*


'It shrivelled up and died and now it is oozing crap, is this what your love means to me? It dies after a while and it is an ugly death, screw you a*hole'




Kidding. Good luck :)

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I've never had potatoes rot on me, maybe my potatoes are better than yours :p Anyways, I already explained the metaphor to her, so if she extrapolates oozing crap, I'll screen my calls. Otherwise I could explain that the oozing crap is the fact that I love her so much, she enables me to shed my emotional skin and open up the oozing depths of my soul to her. Analogies are my forte, I'm sure I'll do fine. But, just in case, are there any other vegetables you'd recommend?

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Originally posted by DerangedAngel

ROFLMAO! I still think you 'did good'. :)




I feel like a jackass now, but good is an adjective, I did well. ;) Honestly I was proud of myself for thinking it up, because I was bummed to find out that a rose bush is not like a vending machine, but I guess that's what us naive city boys get. I'm glad I got everything out of the way that I wanted to, I just want to see her again.

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:) The worst part of seeing "them" is leaving "them".

("Them" being your LD S.O.)




(p.s. yeah, technically you did well. but around here, you 'did good'. I used the (') 's dude. :p )

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Hey, I'm so happy for you! And just a little bit jealous of your love...and also your mindboggling maturity of judgment coupled with childlike joy at the happiness you have found. In true love, there is always pain with the pleasure .... it can never be unalloyed...


Happy new year!

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Anyone else want to start a 'tater bouquet business with me? They have something similar here... with cookies (that's not really all that close though, is it?). Dyer can come up with some wonderfully sappy gift cards...


:rolleyes: @ myself



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What's the shelf life of a potato? I'm not sure when I can, maybe spring break? She turns sixteen next June, which is when I can date her, according to her father.

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:o The shelf life of potato SALAD is 40 days according to the 'net. Ewww.. seems like too long. Uh, couldn't find a plain ol' regular uncooked 'tater though. However there was something on African sweet potatoes... :confused: Not helping? lol




She turns sixteen next June, which is when I can date her, according to her father.


OoOo... is dyer being sneaky? Or are you calling yourselves "just friends"?



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No her parents don't know that we're in love, but that's something crazy to tell one's parents at such a young age. I don't mind being just friends in her Daddy's eyes, he hunts. I'm just kidding bout that, He really does like me a lot, and that's why he let me spend so much time with her during winter break, despite his rule of 16. The thing is, he has five daughters, so rules can be bent a little bit.


I'm not being sneaky, but I don't mind being her friend for a few more months.

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It's great that he likes you. I still can't decided if my guy's parents like me or not... :o Although it doesn't make as much difference, as he is 31.


I see you ignored my heavily-sought-after info on potato salad. :mad:





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I didn't make her a potato salad though, she's the woman, she'll be doing all the cooking in the relationship :p Thank you very much for the info though, as with all things potato, it's the thought that counts.

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i would have less trouble believing you are a mutant potato endowed with consciousness and opposibility than believing you are 15 :p .


congrats, man, on the love of a good woman. :love:






[color=white] if you ARE the result of egg council and potato farmers' conspiring, why start with online advice columns? shouldn't you be in traveling to elementary schools gyrating in plays about the super wholesome awesomeness of potatoes? [/color]

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i would have less trouble believing you are a mutant potato endowed with consciousness and opposibility than believing you are 15 .


I have to second that. Dyer, you must be one o' them 'old soul' types.


As for potatoes, if kept in a cool place, they can indeed last quite a while. However, if they're stored in a cupboard or someplace warmer, they can eventually disintegrate into something quite horrid. I expect that she could dry it out in a conventional oven or microwave if she wants to keep it as a souvenir!

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I guess for the rest of my life....everytime I see a Mr Potato Head....I'll think of you!!!


I think it was a wonderful gift. Anyone can give a flower......but only someone really special in your life will give you a potato. It's the kind of stuff REAL memories are made from.


[color=red]........Arabess thinks Dyer is in love..... [/color]:love:

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I get my pictures back on Sunday, I get my pictures back on Sunday :D:love:

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