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A survey - what constitutes flirting?

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MY gf and I have had a great realationship thus far (8months). She started a new job recently and has been working lots. This morning while kinda being by her side I happen to glance on the screen of her computer while she was typing and she was saying bye to a new guy she works with (2 weeks) and saying 'xo' ... she says it was nothing (simply a way to finalize a conversation) and I really want to believe her but later that evening I caught her texting to him while we were out with friends. When I asked who it was she told me it was him then replied "I know this might seem like a lot" she went on to say that it was really nothing and that the only reason he had her number was because she had switched shifts with him. Funny thing was she just changed her number yesterday.


I suppose my question to the ppl male and more so female ... who texts 'xo' to someone they have just recently met and is this a normal thing? I could understand if it was a good friend whom they person had known for a while but someone you have just met? Am I blowing this out of proportion?



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MY gf and I have had a great realationship thus far (8months). She started a new job recently and has been working lots. This morning while kinda being by her side I happen to glance on the screen of her computer while she was typing and she was saying bye to a new guy she works with (2 weeks) and saying 'xo' ... she says it was nothing (simply a way to finalize a conversation) and I really want to believe her but later that evening I caught her texting to him while we were out with friends. When I asked who it was she told me it was him then replied "I know this might seem like a lot" she went on to say that it was really nothing and that the only reason he had her number was because she had switched shifts with him. Funny thing was she just changed her number yesterday.


I suppose my question to the ppl male and more so female ... who texts 'xo' to someone they have just recently met and is this a normal thing? I could understand if it was a good friend whom they person had known for a while but someone you have just met? Am I blowing this out of proportion?




1. She's out with you, and texting this other dude? Wow, totally disrespectful IMO.

2. People don't just end emails with XO. XOXO if I'm not mistaken is an expression of love, like "I love you".


You know what's going on isn't right, that's why you're here.

IMO you need to call her out on 1 and 2 and tell her you are not comfortable where her "friendship" with this other guy appears headed.

If she's not cheating on you with this other dude, if left unchecked she will be soon.

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Texting other guys while she's out with you is disrespectful BUT it depends on the context of the text messages. I would let it slide if it were close friends [male or female] or family members but seeing that this is a new dude from work, I think it's disrespectful unless they were talking about work. Then again, when I was working I never had to end 'xxx' or 'xoxo' with my colleagues. I save them for close friends and family.


XOXO is hugs & kisses by the way and honestly, I don't take that seriously and I don't think it's a big deal. Now if she kissed and hugged him in person ... that's whole different story!

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Ew, no way this okay! Dump her ass! SERIOUSLY NOT ****ING COOL.

Even if in her opinion it's "totally normal" do you really want to be with a woman who thinks like that? I didn't think so. Keep looking there are better ones out there -- or at least ones that might respect you.

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