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Wife's lack of sexual desire

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For me, it not just about me. It's about us. To find ways that will make the both of us be happier. As I want to her to be as happy as I am with more sex in our life.


This is the true spirit of love and marriage... knowing that if you are getting all the sex you want and more, it is only of true value if you also have the connection, closeness, and love that you both want and deserve...


All the best to PBK57!

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PBK, I am all smiles after reading your post. :D I think your attitude is awesome, and what you said about making both of you happier - I feel the truth of that, and it is inspiring to me, and I am sure to many others who are here on LS.


And I also want to thank you for the lesson about patience - you helped me change a belief I've had. I am too quick to bail and am sometimes impatient with people in my life, and say things I Know they are not prepared to hear. I am not going to sit here and mull over "what ifs" but let's just say that if I had more patience and focused on the larger picture at those particular circumstances, different and possibly beautiful things could have arisen. Like more hot morning sex, lol.


I just bask in your happiness, and wish that happiness to everyone on this board. I know, optimistic, but greater miracles have happened in life. :D


Well, maybe Summmerautumn's super positive mental energy even rubbed off on you a bit? I'll take take your good vibes then. :D


Summerautumn: That is a great quote from Tao Te Ching. How true. I am so glad to be the recipient for your powerful positive mental energy. I think maybe you even got Lizzie to change her tune a bit...LOL. Maybe now I only had to deal with a rain shower from her on my parade.


How interesting it is how individuals can see the same issue and have such opposed view points. We can see something and be very pessimistic about the future and someone else be the total opposite.


I for one do believe we need to keep a positive mental attitude when approaching life challenges. Sexuality being no different. So I move forward with positive attitude not because I am trying to fool my self, rather because I feel that I have tapped into true progress.


We are all different. We all have different situations. It would be fooling myself to think I could simply read someones opinion here and say that is the solution to my issues. Not at all. I can only look at others opinions and try then to see how it may correlate to my own but never losing sight that my situation is my own and unique.


I have no doubts here that I have found the avenue that will lead to be a happier sex life. For me, it not just about me. It's about us. To find ways that will make the both of us be happier. As I want to her to be as happy as I am with more sex in our life. Obviously in my case it is entirely possible. It is why I am taking things one step at a time. Granted I may have a few stumbles along the way, but these will be just side steps as I keep moving forward one step at a time as they eventually become miles long.


What I know now is that "lack of sexual desire" is a miss statement. What the name of this thread should have been called is:

"Re-discovering my wife's sexual desire". As I take small steps toward that goal, I will be exploring new ideas. I am already starting to look at some fun toys to eventually surprise her with. One step at a time.:love:



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I am not going to sit here and mull over "what ifs" but let's just say that if I had more patience and focused on the larger picture at those particular circumstances, different and possibly beautiful things could have arisen. Like more hot morning sex, lol.



I have enjoyed your posts, too, and this sentence made me laugh. Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee. :lmao:


Was that pun/double meaning intended? :confused:

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