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Do guys always date immediately after breakup ?


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An affair, a separation...and within 3 weeks he was dating again...yet BEGGING me to reconcile. After our divorce was final and long long talks taken place, we have discussed reuniting.


However, how sincere can he be if he started dating within 3 weeks?

How sincere can he be if he dated 5 girls, two of which were long time and NONE knew of the other?


Does he still sound like a player ?


Or do guys just always date ASAP upon a seperation or divorce ?

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Or do guys just always date ASAP upon a seperation or divorce ?

unless he is "nice guy" generally yes we do

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unless he is "nice guy" generally yes we do



Niiice. Then you can stamp it on me: "Nice Guy." I haven't dated since the breakup almost 6 months ago. I see no end in sight. But at least I'm nice. :D

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An affair, a separation...and within 3 weeks he was dating again...yet BEGGING me to reconcile. After our divorce was final and long long talks taken place, we have discussed reuniting.


However, how sincere can he be if he started dating within 3 weeks?

How sincere can he be if he dated 5 girls, two of which were long time and NONE knew of the other?


Does he still sound like a player ?


Or do guys just always date ASAP upon a seperation or divorce ?


Some people can't stand being alone for five minutes, that's why.

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I started dating 6 months after my former W moved out. I was not looking for a relationship, she was a girl I met in divorce care class & we sat next to each other most of the time.


I have to say my former wife had moved out once before for 7 months, then moved back in for around a year before moving out for good....


In one of my classes I have taken they say; men do seen to get into another relationship faster then woman.

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Mine didn't even wait until we were finished. He started the month before.


Sorry to hear this but the way you wrote it made me chuckle a bit. :( Hope you meant it like that!! :)

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did he have the affair or did you?



he had the affair. within one year of our marriage.....still stings..and that was three years ago. ANYWAY....from the sounds of it..YES< GUYS DO START DATING ASAP. Makes me feel even less special. My dose of reality, I suppose.


Thanks again,


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Or do guys just always date ASAP upon a separation or divorce ?


In my case, I was asexual for 14 months and separated for about eight months before I considered dating, which I've been doing for a month or so. I don't consider myself a nice guy but rather a good man who's selective about when and with whom he shares himself. IMO, ending a marriage is a serious and painful thing, second only to death. YMMV :)

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Chrome Barracuda
An affair, a separation...and within 3 weeks he was dating again...yet BEGGING me to reconcile. After our divorce was final and long long talks taken place, we have discussed reuniting.


However, how sincere can he be if he started dating within 3 weeks?

How sincere can he be if he dated 5 girls, two of which were long time and NONE knew of the other?


Does he still sound like a player ?


Or do guys just always date ASAP upon a seperation or divorce ?


He's a cake eater. bottom line if he was serious about getting back with you he wouldnt be thinking, he'd be working on his issues and making overtures in your direction. He's hedging his bets and you need to go NC with him, he's a loser. He didnt learn the first time and he's continuing to hurt you. How much can you take, really?

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He's a cake eater. bottom line if he was serious about getting back with you he wouldnt be thinking, he'd be working on his issues and making overtures in your direction. He's hedging his bets and you need to go NC with him, he's a loser. He didnt learn the first time and he's continuing to hurt you. How much can you take, really?



my gut feeling tells me the same thing. He'll do it again and again and again. thanks, i needed that. I think I'm done.


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Mine left, I never cheated but I suspect she was shopping before leaving. She told my fifteen year old daughter "I wish he'd get a girlfriend and leave me alone". I was leaving her alone but she thought I couldn't live without her. A few weeks after leaving I was introduced to a young widow and we became friends. It was a rebound but we both needed someone at the time. The ex freaked out. Months later she's still fuming. I'm still friends with the widow but things have cooled down and that's a good thing. I'm in no rush or in any great need. I like my freedom and independance. I have no regrets or guilt. She cut me loose and dared me, so I honored her wishes, sounds fair to me.:lmao:

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