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Need ideas


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My problem isn't as serious as most, but still a problem. I have been living with my boyfriend for a year, our 1 year anniversary is coming up next month. I am a very creative person and have made him many different gifts, and left him flowers, cards, notes and such over the last year, this has kind of gotten old. I need some new ideas, what can I give him for our anniversary, any ideas on what to do to celebrate? Things have been a little rough for us the last little while, and I want to do something that will help us remember how much we mean to each other, we can use the break. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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1. A visit to a theme park or a simple picnic at a nearby romantic spot.


2. Give him a nice book on love with a poem or handwritten thoughts from you on a blank page n the book.


3. If it's practical and not too far away, spend the day retracing your first days knowing each other, from the exact spot where you met, to the exact spot you first made love, to the exact spot he proposed. Make up a small gift to give him at each location.


4. Go to your nearest airport and make advanced arrangements with them. Watch the planes take off and land for ten minutes or so, go have a bite in a restaurant or coffee shop and then, at a predetermined time, have the person in charge of the paging system wish him a happy anniversary over the sound system.


5. Make a nice gift for him and hide it someplace in your town. Spend the afternoon giving him hints and let him find it. You can arrange with a storekeeper or a friend to keep it in a strategic place and make sure it is accessible during a certain time period. Everybody likes mysteries. The gift could even be something crazy or could lead to a surprise gathering of your friends for a little anniversary get together.


Let me tell you, though, when two people love each other, cards, notes, flowers, etc. never get old. Don't stop those thoughtful things. When he starts taking them for granted, give him a swift kick in the butt.

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an add-on to Randy's list: Find out what things he enjoys most, and if it's something you like doing, too, plan on spending the day doing that. A friend of mine who had recently gotten married admitted that while the idea of a bachelor party was interesting, he would have rather taken a special day trip fishing with his friends. His reason? He (and they) love to fish, and it was something he didn't get to do very often. I know it sounds kind of boring, but guys remember things like that!

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