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What went wrong?


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So ive been seeing this guy for about 5 months now everything seemed to go good. We always got along really well we have alot in common. Im actually in nursing school right now and hes a paramedic. Weve talked for hours on numerous accounts of what we would do if things worked out between us where would we live work etc. What kind of house we want blah blah the usual but things ive never really talked about with a guy before so while it was all new i finally felt like i was going to have it. Even though we talked about it weve never actually said i love to each other. I didnt want to say it too soon and he never said it either but i just figured give it time u know things like that need to be said at the right moment. He had to work on Valentines day so we ended up having our time together on that friday before. Things went well that night i spent the night but wen i woke up i felt like something was wrong i was trying to remember if maybe i had a bad dream but not that i remember i just started crying and i kissed him while he was sleeping and i remember thinking im never going to see u again am i why would i do that he woke up to let me out cuz i had to go meet my sister. I tried to kiss him bye but he pulled away and he always says ill see ya later but he said bye he never says bye is it possible he was thinking the same thing i was but i never said anything out loud i just woke up that morning and felt like it was over i dont know why things were good that night before. I left and I tried to just let it go maybe it wasnt what i thought so i texted him that night and said is there something bothering u i just felt like this morning was weird maybe u can call me later and we can talk. Hours go by i dont hear anything he texts me back finally and this is what he said u are incredible you treat me great you go out of ur way to do nice things for me. I want a girl like u in my life sooo bad but when i kiss you i feel nothing i want to soo bad and thats why i just keeping hoping everyday that at some point ill feel the way i wish i did im sorry what the hell why would he say this now i mean weve been seeing each other for 5 months i was ready to put the L word out there and this is what he says i told him i felt like he lied to and led me on he says he never tried to lead me on he was hoping his feelings would develop since we had so much in common why would somebody do this and how should i react to it what should i do? i just feel so crushed ive just been sitting in my room for the past 2 days crying and staring at the wall how could this happen what do yall think went wrong? do yall think it was his plan all along to do this i mean we slept together too b/c i mean its been 5 months weve gotten so close i just get it why didnt i see this and what was up with me feeling that way that morning?

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dashing daisy

I'm really sorry, I'm not sure what I can say that will help. I'm having a hard time with my ex too, it is so awful when you really have feelings and someone just drops you like that. I don't think it was anything you did, it's lame that he could spend 5 months with you before telling you he didn't have feelings.


You deserve better.

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