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shipped to mexico

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]My boyfriend and I have a pretty strong relationship, however pretty short so far. He, of course, just left for his awaited trip to Cancun, claims I have nothing to worry about. His sincerity helps me believe and trust him 110%... For the life of me I can't come to terms with myself I'm going crazy especially without communication. How do I relax and get through this time without him? [/FONT][/sIZE]

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Sounds like he's there on vacation, and I know if he's at a place without internet, calling can get crazy expensive. In a long term relationship communication would be expected, but the OP mentioned this is still new.


OP, my advice is to stay busy. Catch up with your girlfriends, get your nails done if that's your thing, read a few books. Enjoy the time to yourself, and do the things that usually get put by the wayside when you are busy spending time with him ;) I know it's hard, but sitting home being upset will make the time crraawwwlllll by. Get out and do something :)

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