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I love my best friend

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So Ive been friends with this guy for awhile when we first met we liked each other but we didnt want to just jump into a relationship because we were still trying to get to know each other. Now alot of time has gone by we are still really good friends we stay up all nite on the phone sleep next to each other have sleepovers and yes of course weve gotten to the point where weve had sex. Hes my best friend i love him. Ive expressed my feelings for him and he says he loves me too. He says he can see himself marrying me and be very happy but he says lately our kisses are not passionate. He feels really bummed about this and i think thats why we never made a full commitment to each other. I asked him why he never mentioned it before and he said he was hoping he wouldnt have to say anything that we would just work out in the long run and somehow the passion would come back. He still wants to be close because he says by me pushing him away and not seeing each other it leads us to never really know if itll work out. Hes my best friend i dont want to lose him but is there always suppossed to be that passion between two ppl how do i get it back? Some say i should go NC and let him go but we really do care about each other? Am i just waiting around for nothing?

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Chrome Barracuda

You guys sound great together. give it time. he'll open up to you. and the more he does he will. But dont pressure him about it!

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