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Im a slave!!!!!!!!

Brian loves Kim

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Brian loves Kim

ok i have a problem, i was dating this girl for like 2 years. I fell head over heals in love with her. She broke up saying that she wants to be alone. ok its been like 3 months. We now just are friends. Im sooooo much in love with her, i would climb the highest mountain, would die for her, would kill for her... I worship the ground she walks on. The problem is, she thinks im her slave. Everytime we go out, she either makes me give her all my money or she spends it all. She hits me all the time and beats the crap out of me constantly. I got bruises all over my arms and chest. She says it turns her on. She kicks me alot and makes me do crazy things. She came over yesturday and made me give her oral sex and then she left. (she does that alot.) Even though she dumped me, she still acts like im hers. She thinks im her property or something. She will not let me be friends, talk or even look at any other females. The other day we was at a carnival and i made her mad because i wouldn't ride a ride,(i was scared) so she kept making me kiss her butt in front of people there. Im scared of her, but i love her in the same since. Im tired of being her slave but don't want to loose her as she is the love of my life. Another example on what she does, the other day we was at her house, and she got her shoes muddy, and just because her friends was there, she decided to show off, so she made me lick the mud off her shoes with my tongue. She calls me her B**** all the time which makes me mad, but i can't never tell her that. I have never been able to tell her "no" to ANYTHING because when i do she gets SOOOOO mad at me and will beat me up. Somebody please help, i want her to start respecting me and treating me better. Can anyone give me some advise on what to do? How do i get her to stop using me? I love her soooo much that i will NEVER LEAVE HER so that sort of advise is out of the question. PLEASE PLEASE HELP

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I am really having trouble deciding whether this is a joke or one of the worst cases of mental and physical abuse I have heard of.


If you are serious, GET OUT. This girl is treating in the most abusive and subservient manner - NOBODY deserves to be treated so poorly. Sweetie, you say that you love her. Love is about kindness, consideration, empathy, and respect. Love makes you feel good. And I doubt that you are feeling good right now.


There are so many people in this world who will treat you well. This girl is not one of them and never will be. She is an ABUSER, and I would imagine has some really serious psychiatric disorders. For your own sake, GET AS FAR AWAY FROM HER AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!

ok i have a problem, i was dating this girl for like 2 years. I fell head over heals in love with her. She broke up saying that she wants to be alone. ok its been like 3 months. We now just are friends. Im sooooo much in love with her, i would climb the highest mountain, would die for her, would kill for her... I worship the ground she walks on. The problem is, she thinks im her slave. Everytime we go out, she either makes me give her all my money or she spends it all. She hits me all the time and beats the crap out of me constantly. I got bruises all over my arms and chest. She says it turns her on. She kicks me alot and makes me do crazy things. She came over yesturday and made me give her oral sex and then she left. (she does that alot.) Even though she dumped me, she still acts like im hers. She thinks im her property or something. She will not let me be friends, talk or even look at any other females. The other day we was at a carnival and i made her mad because i wouldn't ride a ride,(i was scared) so she kept making me kiss her butt in front of people there. Im scared of her, but i love her in the same since. Im tired of being her slave but don't want to loose her as she is the love of my life. Another example on what she does, the other day we was at her house, and she got her shoes muddy, and just because her friends was there, she decided to show off, so she made me lick the mud off her shoes with my tongue. She calls me her B**** all the time which makes me mad, but i can't never tell her that. I have never been able to tell her "no" to ANYTHING because when i do she gets SOOOOO mad at me and will beat me up. Somebody please help, i want her to start respecting me and treating me better. Can anyone give me some advise on what to do? How do i get her to stop using me? I love her soooo much that i will NEVER LEAVE HER so that sort of advise is out of the question. PLEASE PLEASE HELP
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I also can't tell whether this is a joke or a real problem. If this is a real problem, I can't give you any advice. You stated that leaving her is not an option, so the only other option is to keep being abused, humiliated and used. You can't change another person, you can only change yourself. Good luck. Have fun.

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Since you llllllloooooovvvvvvvveeeeeee her so much and will never leave her, you obviously love to be abused so we won't go into that.


I like to make the best of terrible situations so my suggestion is you break her into wrestling. You become her manager and take a 25 percent cut. The two of you go on the wrestling circuit and make lots of money. Then you will be able to afford an armored suit so her punches won't hurt you or bruise you so much.


This sounds like the love affair of all times.


This lady will never love you in the traditional way, being the wimp you are and taking all her crap because she has zero respect for your inability to stand up to her like a man. She probably comes to your place, leaves and goes to a real man's house. Follow her sometime, I'll put money on it.


But if you are her manager and you are benefiting financially, it may be easier for you and others to rationalize the insanity of all this. And be sure to become a certified member of the World Wrestling Federation.

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