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Re: Im a slave!!!!!!!!

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No, i love her too much to leave her. Im too afraid to tell her "no" to anything. It's like i HAVE to do these things or she gets mad at me or hits me. (i would never hit a female)She told me one time that if i even TALK to another female, then she would cut my thing off and eat it (pretty ruff huh?) Doesn't that show that she cares about me too? I know the things like the mud on the shoes thing is a little too much(the mud tasted horrible) but i love her too much not to do it. Im hoping that if i keep doing these things, that maybe she will fall deeply for me too. I think it shows her how much i love her. What do you think?

Are you stupid or just desperate for this girl? Sorry if that is harsh, I think because you do all the things she tells you to do you have a serious problem. What would your family think of you if they knew what you were doing? Licking the mud off someones shoes????? Tell me something; what are you getting out of this affair?
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She told me one time that if i even TALK to another female, then she would cut my thing off and eat it (pretty ruff huh?) Doesn't that show that she cares about me too?

No. That shows that she likes controlling you and it gives her a sense of power over someone. Just like there is no sexual component to rape, there is no sexual component to abuse. It is a power thing.


This behavior will continue. And it will never stop, until she gets professional help from a liscenced mental health professional. From what you've written, I can tell this will not happen.


your behavior just shows her that you are weak and unmanly. She will never respect you, therefore she will never love you.

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Slaves never took this kind of treatment. Seriously, you have some incredible self esteem, self worth and other issues. You do not understand what love is or the dynamics of a healthy relationship. You do not understand the importance of the person you love having respect for you. You do not understand the health ramifications of someone beating on you all the time.


I hope you will work toward seeking counselling for your low self esteem and masochism.


You are not a slave. I have read a lot of books about the slaves and none were so abused or in such an insane situation.

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