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My girl slept with my best friend While I was in the next room

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I wish I could turn back the freakin clock.




My girl and my friend and i were drinking at my pad last week. We all got really drunk,

I remember she was in bed with me just snuggling and well...the next thing i remember

is waking up the next morning and finding her in bed NAKED with him in HIS room

(he's my roomate) Now I know she was really drunk, We were all really drunk.

I Hate Alcohol, I'm never drinking again. It's evil evil stuff. Anyway, I don't know how to feel about this.

I cussed the both of them out an it woke them up, they both freaked,

I left my apartment, I'm sleeping out of my car pretty much, haven't talked to both of them at all

about this.


I don't know what the heck to do. I wish I was dead.

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I don't wish you were dead but I wish I could move you ahead in your life by six months.


No matter how much someone has to drink - if they are able to perform an act then they are able to make the decision to do so.


If neither of them cares for your feelings - dump them both. Kick him out, or you move out to your own apartment or with a new roommate and move on. You will be better off for having moved on. I hope you stick to your statement about no more drinking. It doesn't help anything.


If you do want to work this out then I would suggest some serious counseling for all of you. Frankly, if I were really in love with the girl I might try to work things out in counseling - but the roommate would have to go - drunk or not they both should have known better. Alcohol is not an excuse for anything.


Good luck man.

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No matter how much someone has to drink - if they are able to perform an act then they are able to make the decision to do so.


Errol is right. I'm very sorry to hear this happened to you and I wish you the best of luck!



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I suggest you speak to them both. You may have jumped to conclusions. You don't know they had sex. She may have staggered to the first bed she found. She may have thought he was you. You just don't know.

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Why did you leave the apartment? You did nothing wrong. Your girlfriend and roommate are a real piece of work. Dump them both and never look back. What a bunch of disrespectful losers. Unbelievable.

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Go back home and clean house bro.


Be done with the girl, and either move out or force the other guy out.


Take care man, and things will get better!

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Originally posted by dawgstore

they both freaked


this would not have happened if nothing had happened.


But, you may be right, one never knows.

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I just can't believe this has happened. I am totally pissed and hurt and mad and angry.

Alcohol sucks.

I just couldn't face her or face my friend, I'm in huge denial. What the Hell?

Man, I really am mad at myself for getting so drunk. I know how she gets,

she can't remember sh*t when she gets really drunk. I Hate this.

I'm staying with a friend right now and I just can't my mind staright to sort all of

this sh*t out.

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My friend you have nothing to be embarassed about. I don't understand how you feel you cannot face them. They should not be able to face you. I would suggest you go back and listen to their lame apologies and then decide what you want to do. Hiding and running away makes it look like you did something wrong. Get all of the facts and then make your decision. Go back to your place now. Good luck.

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Originally posted by bryanp



My friend you have nothing to be embarassed about. I don't understand how you feel you cannot face them. They should not be able to face you. I would suggest you go back and listen to their lame apologies and then decide what you want to do. Hiding and running away makes it look like you did something wrong. Get all of the facts and then make your decision. Go back to your place now. Good luck.


I couldn't agree with this more.


How can you not be standing tall in front of these two and demanding answers?


I would have raised hell and let myself get pissed and let them know about it.


Go home bro.

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Well, sounds like all three of you were so soused that nobody has any idea "what happened".


The two of them may have freaked just because they were hungover and awoken by the sound and sight of you cursing them viciously.


Go home, make amends as you choose. Ask for answers if you want - but again, if everyone was so sloshed they were virtually unconscious, only the security camera really knows what went down. And to prevent future occurrences, how about a little ride on the wagon for you all? You guys clearly can't handle alcohol...

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I know how she gets,

she can't remember sh*t when she gets really drunk.


Perhaps she has a drinking problem. You really need to talk to her and your roommate. Maybe they are going through mental torment as well. You definitely have to stop blaming yourself though - I highly doubt you forced anyone to drink. She should know how out of control she is capable of getting and drink (or not drink) accordingly.


I'm with Errol - in 6 months things will look so much different and probably much better. This whole thing may be a wake up call that you've been needing. Be strong and remember that this is NOT your fault!!!


warm wishes

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Dont blame yourself! This girl needs to learn how to control her alcohol especially if its going to make her forget things and do stuff like this!


You have done nothing wrong. Unfortunately you have found a girl who cant be trusted (alcohol didnt make her sleep with him, she did it regardless) Your roommate isnt a real man. I mean in the next room where you are sleeping!?


They probably freaked because they got caught, not because they didnt do anything.


Do yourself a favor, get rid of her and either regain your territory by not sleeping in your car, or move out completely.


Your friends needs to know how awful he has been to you.

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I'll probably get grilled for this, but I don't think this is necessarily a cut and dry case of ethics or morals here. I'm not going to defend cheating under any circumstances, but the fact is that drunk people do stupid things - things they would not do when sober. Alcohol destroys the one thing we have that makes us human in the first place: judgment. It was incredibly piss poor judgment that the both of them showed by crawling into bed with one another, but it was also bad judgment that all three of you decided to get so destroyed in the first place. I realize that this is a controversial opinion, but this might be a situation where you have to take a step back and re-evaluate whether or not such rage is warranted under the circumstances. Far worse things (like fatal traffic accidents) occur when people are under the influence of alcohol. Doesn't mean they're guilty of being bad people, but they are guilty of being incredibly irresponsible and temporarily stupid.


It's okay to drink, but don't drink so damn much that you can't think. If you do that, anything can happen.

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is way late but what happen? Man, you should've beat the crap out of your roommate. Drunk or not, he tapped your girl. Once, I walked in and caught this guy who was my friend flirting and touchy with my girl. To cut the story short, I beat the crap out of him. It felt good in a way. Anyway, I cut ties with him and not long after, I dumped her knowing that I can't be with someone who cannot be trusted.

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i just want to say that no matter how much someone drinks if they werent passed out then they knew what they were doing and you should leave her @$$ and move one and let him know what he did was f***ed up....i would never let anyone that you care about around him again....and please what ever you do dont fall for the "nothing happened" bull$hit


something happened or they would have not been in the bed together especially with you in the other room they both have no respect for you!!!!!

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i just want to say that no matter how much someone drinks if they werent passed out then they knew what they were doing and you


I do agree with Chichi's advice but I do disagree with this quoted statement.

I'm an Alcoholic that has been sober over 18 years and when I would drink there were 100's of times that I drank and didn't pass out that I blacked out and couldn't remember what I did..


They might not remember what happened.. But that doesn't make it okay that it happened.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to say ,but my boyfriends best friend kissed me while my boyfriend was in the next room and it was and still is the most passionate intense memorable kiss of my life..Ive never regretted it,that which is forbidden i guess.

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