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Getting life back together, need some touchups

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Hello, my name is Clint. Im 23 and currently living with my parents, am a college dropout, 50 pounds overweight, and have been single for 4 years come april.


But this isnt all about pitying me, i finally have a job now and am making money so I can move out, am enrolling back to college int he fall to persue a major in journalism, and am making a diet and exercise plan. I probably wont have time for a girlfriend come fall so thats not a big deal either.


No what the main issue is is moving my appearance forward! Just like a clean workspace promotes productivity a good personal style and appearance that you like can help you behave and feel better.


So lets start with the top! (literally). my head, currently my hair after its dried looks like a dirty cuetip, it has tons of small hairs sticking out of the rest of the hair, a high forhead which makes me look a little bit like im starting to go bald(but not too bad), and if the hair on the sides of my head grow out at all then it gives my head a sortof mushroom appearance that does NOT look pleasing. To be blunt, in my entire life ive been completly unable to find a hairstyle that suited me, ive all but given up hope. The next time i go into a barber or hair salon im just going to tell them to do what they think will look good on me and roll the dice.


I have brown hair btw, and a notoriously dry scalp.


My face! I have a bit of a oval or round shaped face (round mainly because of the excess weight ive gained since highschool) which does cause me a bit of a doublechin if I look down. This is a area of concern for me so I decided to grow a beard. I currently have a chinstrap beared thats a bit uneven because...i have no clue how to trim or keep a beard tidy. Do i need to buy the 250 dollar trimmers? because the 30 dollar ones dont seem to cut it, my beard looks ragged. I could just cut it off but then I get to see my face fat, and my face looks chunkier for it.


Clothing! This one is a biggy, I havent bought new clothes since highschool (literally, been surviving off of old clothes and birthday/xmas clothes). Im 5ft10 without shoes, i have very broad shoulders (only reason I dont look quite like im 50 pounds overweight). This makes it difficult to find clothing and coats that look good, I usually end up looking rather boxy which results in me looking even shorter then I really am. Wearing a long wool coat that I have makes me look like a dwarf practically! But I dont want to wear some colombia or carhart jacket, I want style. Same deal with clothing, aside from being old, most of them make me look...well...shorter and fatter then I am.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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You sounds like a cool guy with a great attitude :D ok just my 2 cents...

1. sounds like you have split ends. Go to the hairdressers and ask about how to maintain healthy hair. And yes, definitly ask them to give you whatever cut they think looks good. They'll also tell you what shampoo/medication you can use for a dry scalp.

2. Sounds like you need to see a barber for shaving advice - let the pro's give you some tips and I am sure you will work it out.

3. Sounds like you have a good frame - have you considered working out? With your broad shoulders and decent height, extra muscle would look really great on you. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn, too. You can do weights or cardio at home or join a gym. Plus exercise is a natural appetite regulator and boosts the chemicals/hormones in your body that make it much less likely to want to overeat. Exercise also makes you feel great.

4. New wardrobe. Obviously these things do cost a bit but if you come up with a plan, you can slowly add great piece to your wardrobe. I'd think good quality, good cut (the better the cut the more flattering)...go for a smart casual look.

5. You might think this sounds ridiculous but do you have good nails? It isnt girly - just make sure they are filed and smart-nothing worse than a man with hideous fingernails! Also using fake tan now and then can really make you feel good.

6. Get a new interest - anything. Feeling good by being involved in something you love makes you feel better about yourself.


How's your food intake? Let us know if you need help with that too.


Good luck!

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