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I want my life back!

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Hi! I am 16 yrs old and about 2 yrs ago i had alot of friends and all.....I had an actual group of people that I hung out with.....Then eventually as most groups it fell apart, people moved and so on.


Now 2yrs later. Because i dated a guy that was known as a druggie, I have lost all my friends and the town that i live in is full of druggies and i dont want to be friends with anyone here.


I want to have a group of friends to hang out with, I miss it, I have one friend who lives 30mins from me and even tho we live so cloe we dont really hang out to ofen. I am in her town almost everyday and wish i could make more friends there but i dont know how to approach them, or where to go to find them. Please help me. I dont have a life and i want to get one. I just want my life back!

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Are there any clubs or youth groups you could join? Lots of small communities have activities and clubs at community centres. Are you in a rural area?

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