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My husband's emotional affair is a nightmare for me (correct version)

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Ive also talked about this with my father (who is a wonderful man and thinks of him like a son) and gave me some useful piece of advice. He told me 3 things

1st divorce creates more problems

2nd passion wears out quickly.

3rd try and accept the fact that for a little while your husband will be in love with two women, try to see her through 'loving eyes'




Wow!! Your father is sexist beyond belief! "Accept the fact that your husband will be in love with two women!" Huh? Is it me, or is this the worst advice I have ever heard?? I wouldn't give that advice to my worst enemy..Holy SHT%^!! I thought I heard it all. I don't mean to sound harsh but your father besides being sexist doesn't want to deal with you getting a divorce for whatever reason(s) ie-you will need support emotionally maybe financially, it put the family through a lot of stress ect. Your husband has zero respect for you. This woman as well is and will never be a true friend. You sat next to her and had a nice conversation, really? I can't imagine why the 2 of you can't be friends?? UGH..Remember ignorance is NOT bliss. Do you own sneakers? If not go buy some and run away, real fast.

Is your dad Jamaican by any chance? LOL, just being flip.

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I'm losing respect for the OP. I would say much more, but I do not want an infraction.

What I will say is that the OP's willingness to be treated like garbage, no matter what the costs, sickens me to no end. :sick::sick:


I lost respect for my mother, when she chose to forgive my father for his affair. Not only did she forgive him, but she continued to be the maid and cook in our house, despite my father's infidelity. Mom told me that she did it for "the kids" and I bluntly told her that she did it because she is not brave enough to live without a man. Pathetic. :mad:

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you can't force anyone to do anything unless they are ready and willing to do it.

I want him back (both his soul and his body) but only if he chooses to stay

So far he hasn't left

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Point blank...the EA isn't going to end while they're still in contact. PERIOD.


It's not over now, nor will it be until this occurs.


The longer you tolerate...in any fashion...contact between the two of them, the longer this will go on.


Your attempts to be understanding and not "force" anything aren't helping your situation...they're severely undermining your chances for reconciliation.


What are you hoping to gain by posting here on LS? Are you looking for advice/perspectives from those who have been through this? Are you wanting to vent?


What can the posters here on LS provide to you?

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