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Progessing into the next phase

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Hey all, I've got a question about this girl I like and how I should go about "progressing" our relationship, here's the story;


A few months back, we met and spent a night together at clubs, bars etc amongst friends and we hit it off. Nothing happened that night, but we became friendly. Later we began chatting over Facebook and the next time we saw each other in person we ended up sleeping together. After that, we didn't see each other for a while due to circumstances and none of us really made an effort to do anything more after.


Fast forward a few months to now, and we've began speaking again over Facebook, the conversation is 2 way, sometimes she'll start conversation with me and sometimes visa versa. We've chatted quite often recently but now I'm hoping to try and further our relationship and start seeing her properly, go on a date or something. I'm not sure how to make that happen though. We only ever speak on Facebook since we hardly ever see each other in person so I'm not really sure whether I should ask if she wants to meet up or something... or whether that might come across as a little... I don't know... distasteful, if I do it over Facebook chat? What do you guys think?


Thanks for reading. :)

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Fear of rejection holds you back but the fact is it's going nowhere at the moment. Just ask! You'll know one way or another. Its way better than wondering, hoping and over-thinking.

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