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tough times

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i'm in college and have been going out with this girl for about 2 months. with all honesty, we both feel like we're made for each other. we've had the most perfect relationship, and were certain we'll be toghther forever. however, now we have broken up the relationship because we feel that we're too young (18 yrs.) to be having this serious of relationship right now and that if we stay together, we'll miss a lot of what college has to offer seeing as we were around each other all the time. we decided to be friends for a while and eventually get back together, just as if we first met, but i don't think that'll work. we still are in love with each other very much, but i don't know if a friendship is the way to work things out. i'll appreciate any input anyone has to offer.

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All I can say is that if you are meant to be, then you will be. My grandparents got married last year for the third time. They have both been married in between each other, but finally decided that they should be together.


It is always great to have that kind of connection with a friend. Cherish it and don't let anything ruin it. Just keep it in the back of your mind and work on the friendship.

i'm in college and have been going out with this girl for about 2 months. with all honesty, we both feel like we're made for each other. we've had the most perfect relationship, and were certain we'll be toghther forever. however, now we have broken up the relationship because we feel that we're too young (18 yrs.) to be having this serious of relationship right now and that if we stay together, we'll miss a lot of what college has to offer seeing as we were around each other all the time. we decided to be friends for a while and eventually get back together, just as if we first met, but i don't think that'll work. we still are in love with each other very much, but i don't know if a friendship is the way to work things out. i'll appreciate any input anyone has to offer.
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some things never change. I'm twice as old as you and still having the same problem. What will we miss if we stay together, what will we miss if we don't? my advices is cut off the sex and see where the relationsip goes.



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