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This might sound odd or silly

Not the love ace

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Not the love ace

But I think I have a serious addiction to masturbation. It has come to the point that I feel physically drained during the day when I even hadn't done much. I masturbate every chance I get and in an odd way, I REALLY, REALLY don't want to or even feel like masturbating. Its like my penis and hand take control of my body and thoughts (I know that might sound really funny but its how I feel.)


I masturbate at least 10-12 times a day and it kills me. I know I am horny because I haven't had any sexual intercourse in a very long time but its just the fact that I don't even feel like masturbating whatsoever that I still masturbate.


I don't mind masturbating, I know its good for you and its awesome to do in moderation or for me at least once a week (because it always feels "fresh" and "new" when I wait that long), however I haven't had the will power to restrain myself from masturbating.


I might be minuscule to those of you that struggle with drugs and alcohol and I am sure some of you might want to even swap places and rightfully so. However, its definitely getting to me. I can't say its ruining my life, but I'm afraid it can possibly be a big hindrance.


Anyone else experience this addiction? Any advice on how to have self-control over this?


It would so be appreciative. Thank you a ton.

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I'm a woman without this problem, however, I did watch a show on this very subject on the learning channel or something like that.

They were interviewing a guy who spent 8 hours a day looking up cruise sites on the internet, and another guy who watched porn all day.

Both of these people had extremely small social lives, or no social lives at all.

Both were short of having caring people in their lives that cared about them--

a replacement for care and affection from others?

Don't isolate yourself. Get out into the world and have intelligent conversations, pick up new interests in history or some area where you really have to learn a lot of new things...expand your knowledge about things non-sexual. Reconnect with your family and friends, and make some new ones--join a group or something.

Dopamine is one of the chemicals released during masturbation, along with seratonin. It is the same chemical that is released with anti-depressants and heroin. it is a very powerful chemical indeed.

Are you using porn all these times? Try cutting that out...you could be bringing on being hyper-sexual, which really isn't good for you mentally.

google compulsive masturbation. lots of info out there.

Mostly--it has to be a void in your life--many people are far too busy interacting with others and pursuing interests to have the time to do what you are doing--

so some behavior modification is what I would do if I was you.

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