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15 days NC, whats the ex thinking about?

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It has been 15 days of NC, I wonder what she is thinking or feeling? She broke it off, said she was extremely lost and confused and angry. She got hit with a bunch of stuff and needed to get her act together. After asking if she had met someone, she angrily said yes there was someone interested. But I think she is trying to make me hurt out of anger and its not true. Either way, its a rebound if so.....After 3 years, I doubt she won't call. She still has my dog to remind her every day and the day I left, she had put a bunch of pillows where I slept and put my sweater on top of it like it was comforting her.....I think she is just very lost and thinks she is trying to find herself. She texted me she loved me and said she was so fudged up about 3 weeks ago. But no contact...........

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I'm going through almost the same thing, she is definitely thinking about you, she wont forget you. My girlfriend broke up with me because she said she was confused and her feelings changed, yeah your feelings can change within 1 week. She said her feelings for me have been changing, she just never cared to tell me (Communication Breakdown) ugh.


If you're like me, you probably treated her like your little queen, that's gonna make it much harder for her to actually get over you. Once the rebound starts to show his true jerkoff ugly self, she will start thinking about you and start trying to compare the guy she is currently with against you.


Just continue to stay NC, try to move on, don't dwell on the thought of her might coming back, she might very well come back, but do you really want her back?

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Yes, i do want her back. I really think she is lying about the guy thing. I had moved out previously a couple years ago and I think she got scared I was going to do it again, so she just got so angry. She also had a couple of other major life issues with a friend and was really trying to get herself in shape as she let herself go. I feel that with my dog there, she knows that sometime I will have to come get him and have to contact her. It is hard without my dog, but I don't want to break NC. It sounds bad, but i am looking forward to that call or text from her. I know in my heart it will happen. She is probably a little relieved to have the hard part over, but once it starts to set in, she will call. She is very emotional as well, so I know that while she is fronting toughness, she is hurting. Conveniently, a girl she works with broke up with her boyfriend too. She is a younger girl and I think she got the grass is greener thougts along with needing time to get herself together. I know she probably felt she couldn't do it with me around......still hurts.....I am doing better than I usually do in these things, but it is still tough.

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It has been 15 days of NC, I wonder what she is thinking or feeling? She broke it off, said she was extremely lost and confused and angry. She got hit with a bunch of stuff and needed to get her act together. After asking if she had met someone, she angrily said yes there was someone interested. But I think she is trying to make me hurt out of anger and its not true. Either way, its a rebound if so.....After 3 years, I doubt she won't call. She still has my dog to remind her every day and the day I left, she had put a bunch of pillows where I slept and put my sweater on top of it like it was comforting her.....I think she is just very lost and thinks she is trying to find herself. She texted me she loved me and said she was so fudged up about 3 weeks ago. But no contact...........



It simple does not matter, the purpose of NC is to help you disassociate yourself from the EX. The no contact is just one part of going NC. The other is to focus on yourself and your own betterment. To push your self to do new things, make improvement, to rebuild your self esteem. If your not doing that then your cheating yourself from the reward of a break up. Asking these question only stalls your healing.

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I'm going through the same thing. 18th day of no contact and I wonder as well what she is thinking. The truth is that you'll never know. Accept the worst case scenario: she is with someone else having fun and not even thinking about you. It's hard, but you must to be strong here, take it day by day, that call may never come or could take months for her to realize some things. You never know, but focus on you and don't break the NC, don't even think about it!That's your mission! She was the one that left you, she is the one that needs to change her mind and come back to you (eventually). There's nothing you can do to change her mind right now, you can only make things worst if you contact her right now. Whatever you do, DO NOT contact her. You're not alone here, me and others are through the same thing right now. So give her the chance to miss you and wonders about you. You're a ghost dog right now!

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It blows....I broke down today and looked at her facebook.....her friend posted pics of them out partying....no guys.....ironically she said she was seeing someone. It is hard when you see the person you love acting different than they usually are. It is like they are not even in their own body. She is not herself, hence her saying she is sorry she is so fudged up. She said she felt she lost herself. Ironically, her going out and partying like that is opposite of her.....Her new friend just broke it off with her ex at the same time.......funny how that works........I am getting to the point I want to just send her a letter of apology for the things I did, so at least I can leave it on a good note on my end and just move on.....I am hurt, but I typically get pissed off at some point and just function okay. I don't even want to see anyone right now. Just be alone and do fun things for me. But it still hurts. Trying not to blow NC. Do you really think she will start missing me........MY DAMN dog is in her house, that is a constant reminder I would think....

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If you go over to her house now for your dog you will break no contact. If you write that letter to her and apologize again you will break no contact. Think what will happen if you do end up seeing her. It will only remind you of all the good times you have shared with her. Which means she will have the advantage over you. Just stay away from her and work on yourself. You don't want to be living a miserable life day after day do you.


I just recently ended my relationship permanently with my EX even though we have broken up for more then a year already. The reason she broke up with me is because she met someone else that she believes is a better person. I've been on and off that one year hoping there's still something we can do to be together again. But at the end I'm just feeling more miserable while she was out having fun with her new man. This whole time she was just dragging me on the side and didn't even think about finding a way to fix this relationship. So I just told her to stay away from me and never contact me again. I'm on my 4th day of NC. So far so good even though I still feel pain at times.

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My ex is acting differently too, reliving her early 20s, hopping from bar to bar and from bed to bed.


Sorry, man, not much you can do about it. If it bothers you that much, delete her on facebook, delete her number from your phone, carve her out of your life because obviously you're a wreck.


And get your dog back.

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