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in love with my best friend

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:( so ima guyl


we've been friends going on 6 years now, best friends 3 out of those 6. i have always loved her. from the second i saw her it was truly love at 1st site, well just for me at least. i had **** delivered to her in class as soon as i learned her name, on V-day. we then had some classes to gether and have been close since.


up untill a year ago we did everythinggg together. i mean everything shed ditch her bf so we could go to local ammusement parks almost every single fay, go out to eat stay over late nghts at my house, never did anything tho. she had a bf now going on like 3 years. well one night we went to the local hotub spot we would chill and drink at, we got drunk of course and a buddy of mine braught some firends along with the intensions of "running a train on her" me being out numbered by atleast 5 guys i called every one i could to come back me up. she wasnt hearing anything i had to say she just figured i was jealous and she was drunk so lol that had a lot to do with it. long story short i call her bf tell him to bring all the boys and come get her. wellllll of course that didnt turn out well.


i ofcourse broke them up, but in doing so she had to explain to her parents why i did what i did, why he "bf" wasnt who she had said he was for the 3 years. caused all hell she got sent away her parents blocked all of my numbers. untill one day she calls me from a random number and tells me to come up to where she ws staying and explain everything why i did what i did. i told her, u know how i feel about u, they had all intensions of taking advantage of you and i had no other options for your safety. i took her a while to comprehend what i did was half ok.


she eventually forgave me, shes back in town has been for 5 months now. her parents never want to hear my name again, also to do with my prior arrest and her dad being a sherrif. but besides that. she came back into my life at what was a very bad point of life for me. she instantly wanted to help me with what ever it took to get me back on my feet and things str8 with my parents. she did, she made me realize pot consummed my life and i was going no were fast.


we now go to school together same classes, we chill on the weekends when ever we can. a couple weeks ago we were in her car just chtting and out of the blue she leaned in and kissed me. i pulled away and said wtf was that for. she said for being for her and feeling the same love for her the whole time no matter how she treated me. a week after that we were at the monster trucks, half way threw the show she wispered kiss me. so i did. still with no reason to keep going. we get to the car and she says we need to make out. so we made out for atleast an hour. she then gets to my house and says pull ur pants down i said whattt? shes like i wanna see ur butt. im ok?? so i did, she then went on to playing a show and tell type game.


but to this day she still keeps with the whole i dont feel the same about u, but yet states all the time im the guy she wants to have to the end im the one she wants to marry. how can she keep me as the "estfriend" be intrested in other guys but still say those things.


its not that shes playing games either. im broke, never have a dollar to my name she pays for everything no matter what the rpice as long as its us, she picks me up and drops me off day after day. we argue like were married then enjoy the laughs moments after. just last night i gave her a hug good night getting out of the car and she puckered up as im to kiss her? i dont cause even tho i love her so deeply i respect how she "says" she feels. im so lost when shes not around and she claims the same. what am i too dooooooo

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ok so no one can help? i know my writing doesnt flow right. i just write as it comes off my head. lol


so last night she picks me up to go to school, but we both decided to just chill do some studying for our exam today. we go out to eat, "red lobster" im paying this time and she wants to play Truth or Dare. im down ok, her first dare to me is to purpose to her in the resturant. idc about doing something like that it was ez it was a joke. so i did it.

on the way home we had to stopp at walmart to get something for her cat. but we end up talking the whole time in the car. she brings up an "update" of her and this guy shes been talking to. well to my surprise she told him that she doesnt want to have a bf at the moment she's better single, and wants to be for a long time coming.


then she abruptly changes the subject to "Mica, what u did in the restaurant tonight was absolutely amazing, dare or not. it literally brought tears to my eyes it choked me up, that you would go threw the embarrassment for me,not only that,no guy would even do it joking to me. mica it's all the little things that make me like some one, **** like carrying my backpack for me, holding doors, opening my car door for me"my pops raised me right",even when im controlling over you sometimes, you dont back down like a whimp, but you dont get mad or cause a fight about it. mica**grabs my hand** ive told you before ima tell you again, i want you to be next to me for ever, dont ever leave my side, i need a husband like you. just give it a little more time, your growing on me more and more every day. my parents(her parents despise of me) are the one of main things keeping us from taking this further, all i want right now seriously mica all i want right now is you my best friend. i kknow how you feel about me, ive known for ever, i can read you like no other, just give it some time i want to be on the same level, im not quit there yet."


this is the point were i say, im not going any where, i will never go any where. you need to talk to your parents like we did with your real dad up north, take it as slow as u think u can, dont rush it.


latter in the night after some bs talking, she brings up. when is your car going to be fixed? "no clue", i want to take you on your first camping trip. "yea really?" no mica seriously, ima make sure its the best weekend you've ever had. "thinking to my self, ok what does she mean about that."


then shes like i thought u were getting your own place. i am booboo, as soon as my car is running. shes like you need to hurry up and do that, i want out of my parents house asap. im like yea well ive already been out on my own and its not that ez to do alone, she said well, im here to help they are giving me a raise at the hospital. wtf really? yepp. i said no seriously, shes like yes we need to see if we can make it happen, we already proved threw the years we can be at each other throats and still laugh and smile about it seconds later, no matter what we do we always come back. lets see if we can really do it.



ok a little about me, im not one to date to just date ive had relationships nothing with any one ive ever "liked" always was just a crush. ive kept my self pure, i catch **** all the time from the guys, they are always throwing girls my way. i dont do it im not that guy, im not going to do it unless i really and heart strung for her.


am i blind or is she really being true about all this? is this one of those best friends turn for ever relationship type deals? i dont want to get my hopes shot down again

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ok so no one can help? i know my writing doesnt flow right. i just write as it comes off my head. lol


so last night she picks me up to go to school, but we both decided to just chill do some studying for our exam today. we go out to eat, "red lobster" im paying this time and she wants to play Truth or Dare. im down ok, her first dare to me is to purpose to her in the resturant. idc about doing something like that it was ez it was a joke. so i did it.

on the way home we had to stopp at walmart to get something for her cat. but we end up talking the whole time in the car. she brings up an "update" of her and this guy shes been talking to. well to my surprise she told him that she doesnt want to have a bf at the moment she's better single, and wants to be for a long time coming.


then she abruptly changes the subject to "Mica, what u did in the restaurant tonight was absolutely amazing, dare or not. it literally brought tears to my eyes it choked me up, that you would go threw the embarrassment for me,not only that,no guy would even do it joking to me. mica it's all the little things that make me like some one, **** like carrying my backpack for me, holding doors, opening my car door for me"my pops raised me right",even when im controlling over you sometimes, you dont back down like a whimp, but you dont get mad or cause a fight about it. mica**grabs my hand** ive told you before ima tell you again, i want you to be next to me for ever, dont ever leave my side, i need a husband like you. just give it a little more time, your growing on me more and more every day. my parents(her parents despise of me) are the one of main things keeping us from taking this further, all i want right now seriously mica all i want right now is you my best friend. i kknow how you feel about me, ive known for ever, i can read you like no other, just give it some time i want to be on the same level, im not quit there yet."


this is the point were i say, im not going any where, i will never go any where. you need to talk to your parents like we did with your real dad up north, take it as slow as u think u can, dont rush it.


latter in the night after some bs talking, she brings up. when is your car going to be fixed? "no clue", i want to take you on your first camping trip. "yea really?" no mica seriously, ima make sure its the best weekend you've ever had. "thinking to my self, ok what does she mean about that."


then shes like i thought u were getting your own place. i am booboo, as soon as my car is running. shes like you need to hurry up and do that, i want out of my parents house asap. im like yea well ive already been out on my own and its not that ez to do alone, she said well, im here to help they are giving me a raise at the hospital. wtf really? yepp. i said no seriously, shes like yes we need to see if we can make it happen, we already proved threw the years we can be at each other throats and still laugh and smile about it seconds later, no matter what we do we always come back. lets see if we can really do it.



ok a little about me, im not one to date to just date ive had relationships nothing with any one ive ever "liked" always was just a crush. ive kept my self pure, i catch **** all the time from the guys, they are always throwing girls my way. i dont do it im not that guy, im not going to do it unless i really and heart strung for her.


am i blind or is she really being true about all this? is this one of those best friends turn for ever relationship type deals? i dont want to get my hopes shot down again



It's not that your writing doesn't "flow right". That is sometimes understandable as you write your post out and your emotions start to get ahold of you. The problem is your using alot of "txt speak" and that tends to make it hard for the fellow members of LS to understand you and...well to be blunt tends to make people not really want to read the rest of your "wall o text".


Grammar, spelling, & coherence will go along way in getting you advice.

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OK so an update. She came over so we could fix some scratches on her parents car, and to study. Well we picked up a couple drinks(four locos), to enjoy while our hard workings on the car.


We get done 4 hours later, she said meet you in your room, as I was finaishing cleaing up, and gives me that look.(you know the look)


I get there, she asks me do you have any loose pants, got her some. Get in bed grab the books and start reading, she gets under the covers and cuddles up close lays her head on my chest.(never happened before)


study for about 3 minutes before she says "truth or dare". Ofocurse I said dare,"kiss the dog". Ok. She's picks dare, so I massaged her bad ankle.


On and on truths about my feelings for her, what I want most out of life"I answered a family with her" it choked her up.

"how do you plan on getting there?"

"well step one and step two are accomplished, we both are working on our careers, and we are best friends."


all she could do is smile.

So I dared her to kiss the uglyest person in the room. She's like damn alright, at 10oclock. Kk. She then puts her legs in between mine and just stares in my eyes. I lean in just a bit and kiss her nose. She then says give me your hand, she moves it to her ass and makes me grab it and feel all around.


She tehn put my own hand down my pants and rolls over and pecks me. I of course lean in for more,"no not yet"

so I grab her ass and pull her as close as possible to me, then she moves in and starts making out, we roll around for a while till I was on top and hand her hands pinned back. I said what now, some how she rolled over had me on the bottom tabs my hand puts it on her ass. Then starts making out again.


We take a break for a little, I grab a brush and start playing with her hair. at this point, she notices how hard I am. Makes the comment "yea your rght your not small at all"

I being a virgin didn't think anything of it. We the. Lay back down facing each other and she starts breathing reallll deep, I'm like you all right? She laughs and breaths deeper. She said,"your lucky, I'm in your pants in your bed, making out with you, bff your ****ing lucky."

i kiss her some more.


We then drive to mcdonalds to get a salad for her. In line she's like look at me, ok? Boooom she slaps me. I'm WTF, "for the thoughts in your head rght now"

I'm like damn your good, she puts the car in park and jumps on me and makes out vilently, starts sucking on my neck, people in line are honking to hurry up.

We get home and she's like can you grab my bag please I gotta be home. Kk get it for her get back in the car and give herthe ussal hug good night, she grabs my face and kisses me like ten times, "night baby, wait till we go campng"


I said ****k good night:(


what theeeeeee crap???? Am I retarded and blind, she stated bff's ten times the whole night lol. Should I add condoms to the check list for camping?? I don't know what to do. She knows I'm a virgin, she's not so she's been taking the lead. I don't want to get my hopes up.


I'm start

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I'm in a similar situation, i've liked this girl for 5 and a half years and we've always been good friends and she's know i've like dher most of this tme, but for the past year a half she's had a boyfriend and she always tells me when he pisses her off and when shes unhappy. I know she likes me too, as her best friend keeps telling me, but the worst thing is in the past year or so we've become best friends.

Its awful when shes the only one you want to be with and she has a boyfriend

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It does suck.

Last night she was here and braught up her mom willing to pay for her appt, if she covers her car payments, or half if she got a roommate.

But shed have to move go Jacksonville to finsih the schooling there, she says she wants me to go. Says she wants us to be away from everything and everyone and just be on our own.




Then while laying in my bed, she says what's the one thing you want to happen the most while we are camping this weekend. I jokingly said take my vCard, but said naw to just be able to keep each other warm. She was like damn I was hoping you'd want to kiss some more. "what???" yea I don't want it to happen but I know it's going to happen, she stated. I'm so lost and confused. I know it's going to happen to, I honestly think more will happen but not getting my hopes up

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What is your problem? If you are trying to find out if she is interested or not, isn't the answer obvious to you? Ask her out once and for all and if the answer is no, be a man and move on! It's that simple!

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It sounds to me like she likes you, shes just hesitant because your best friends and have know each other ages, its bound to be weird if your going to be more then friends at first

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Dont feck your friends, it dont work, stay friends, and you lose nothing and gain everything, friends are friends, and should stay that way, trust me on this 1 i know.

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Dont feck your friends, it dont work, stay friends, and you lose nothing and gain everything, friends are friends, and should stay that way, trust me on this 1 i know.


This is funny. What do you think a girl-FRIEND is? Or a relationship? All a marriage is is a life long partnership of friends who care about each other very much.


All relationships are is friends who care about each other and love each other.


Unless of course you only view relationships as pieces of ass...then of course they aren't friends, but hey that's just my opinion, don't me stand in the way of your shallow look at women/men.

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Well from a girl's perspective hate to say it, but your bff sounds kinda like a crazy biatch (and yes the song Crazy B*tch by Buckcherry pops into my head after reading your post). Either way you need to man up and ask her out. If you want to be with a girl who doesn't really have boundaries (ex. getting drunk and almost sleeping with 5 or so guys, blowing her bf off for another guy friend) then go ahead. All I'm saying is put yourself in her ex's position and wonder if you'd want to be with a girl who did those things. Just because you two are best friends and have lots of history together, doesn't mean she won't do the same thing to you.

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As a guy that is friends with mainly girls I see you as her safety. If you like her and want a relationship you need to sort out exactly what you want in the relationship. Right now you are giving her all the power. So why would she want a relationship with you when she knows she already has you. Now this doesn't mean she doesn't like/love you or want a relationship with you. It just means there is no reason for her. She has you and maybe she plans on marring you but right now there is no status so she technically can do anything. Even bang some other guy or take a 5 guy train.


At any rate your a guy. Bring the condoms but don't get your hopes up. Oh and hide the condoms so if its a no go its not weird.

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