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ok, not really sure if this is the right forum or not but ah well....


anyway...bout 4 months ago i met this girl..and she told my friends that she liekd me so we started talkin for bout a week but it didnt go too well cause we didnt know eachother so we stopepd talkin...well..we remained close friends and now have become so close that she considers me her best friend, we do everything together, go everywhere together, she invites me up here house, to church, everywhere, she is always wantin to do soemthin with me....she says she loves me....well..i really like her and i had a freind ask her how she felt bout me again, but she says were jsut friends, but after he asked her she said "ya never know what could happen though"...i dont understand her...if she didnt like me why would she wanan be with me everyday and talk to me on the internet 2-3 times a day? ive heard bout the dialted pupils when your near someone u like, well...hers are always dialted huge when shes near me......i dont understand..do u think she might have secret feelings for me?

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Yes, I think she fancies you from what your post says. I don't understand why your confused. When she said "ya never know what could happen though" I read that to mean that she thinks you could become more than friends.


If you like her why not speak to her about taking it further and becoming "an item"?

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i know...but ive told her how ive felt about her before...she just tells me how sweet it is and how she cant believe i like her cause she says shes nothin special....she knows i like her...ive jsut been waitin on her to make the move and not me cause then id know that she feels the same...

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