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Taking some time...

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so theres a girl i know, i and have very strong feelings for her. her and i never really talked except a little online until she asked me to do a dance routine the dance team shes on. me being a nice guy who likes her of course agreed to it! well we had fun, and we got to the point where we started saying "hi" and "cya" to eachother everyday. And we had a couple small conversations. But we're both new to the dating thing, and never dated! So word got out around a school like crazy that i liked her, and she must of felt intimidated, because i found out she likes me as a friend and now she doesnt even acknowledge me. Or at least last week she ignored me and i was told just to let her be for now, and it was painful... But now things have lightened up and i think shes gotten better. Lately shes been "checkin me out" a lot too! so tomorrow my game plan is simply to start talking to her again!


but what i want to know is this:


ok so we're just friends for now, and im not afraid if this takes a long time for us to get closer, i can wait. She means a whole lot to me, and waiting would be hard, but at least we would be getting closer!


so is this a good way of taking this? it seems to be working... wish me luck guys!!

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No, it isnt going to work. Once she sees that you wont be a challenge for her, she will friend zone you again. Also, just because she is warming up to you again, doesnt mean she likes you like that, or she ever did.


You cant get emotionally involved before your first kiss, you have to be able to take the loss. When two people like each other, it doesnt take time. You cant hang around her hoping for her to come around, you have to make moves fast or she will lose interest. Make sure you flirt, light touch, let her know you like her without saying it. Be entertaining, make her want to hang in YOUR world.


If you show her she can wrap you around her finger, you will get nowhere. Treat her like your little sister for now. Dont wear your heart on your sleeve, she has to earn your heart, you dont hand it to her.

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yeah man i see what ur trying to say, but u know we're both freshman, so the "getting pushed aside" really isnt a factor until we're outta high school. You've read my other story about how she doesnt even date, so ill just be her friend and make her want my love by not acting so desperate. i know she does want my heart its just i've kinda spoiled her with my love lately, u know kinda being a push over.


oh and if ur really a dating expert u should reply to this

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