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My girlfriend is mean sometimes


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I don't quite know what to do about my girlfriend. She is an alcoholic and I think because she is so young she doesn't know how to find help. I tld her I was gonna break up with her is she din't quit drinkng beer every night after work.


Ok so disregard that first sentence. Sorry - I am being stalkked online by my ex and am trying to throw him off. Sorry to be purposefully misleading but hopefully somebody will read this. ** SIDE NOTE - there are intentional misspellings here due to my issue ** Please read on.


I have posted here many times before but somehow my ex has figured out that LS ID and is now stallking me online. He has undoubtedly read every post of mine here, some of which is very personal but all of which I would not want him reading. I realize this forum is not "private' but it is anonyymous to the degree that I make it that way. I did not have an obvious userrname. I did not post cities or any names. He was able to figure out who I was by searching key words on LS and spending enough time digging through every single historical post in order to narrow down the possibilities.


Anyone else reading my thrreads and posts would not have a flippin' clue who I am.. it's merely that he knows enough of the details to have found me. At first he was just making generalizations about LS so I didn't really know if he was BS'ing or not, but he has recently revvealed some exact posting so I know he knows. And he must be spewing mad reading about how badly I think of him and even deeper into all the dirty details of my current sex life. That's actually mildly funny to me but it doesn't help my cause.


My problem is that he may revveal my identitty to someone else, be that his family members, his friends, whatever. It would be stupid of him to do that because there is so much incriminnating evvidence I've posted here to his lack of morrals & viollent temper, so by revvealing me he would also be revvealing himself. But... I don't really know what vinddictive thoughts are spinning around in his head, other than that he claims he is going to use some of them in court to help his case (trying to get supporrt reduced). It's lame - an not applicable anyway. The idea of him using anything is unnerving though because for all intents and purposes I am anonyymous on this forum. Is there no recourse for me if he reveals my identitty?


I have stopped posting here because of him, but I have thought about logging in under my old LS username and starting a thread that would revveal every awful thing about him, like how he continued to beg me back even after he was engaged, or how he cheated on his first wife with me, or all the shytte he got away with at work on company computers.... there are so many awful truths. I'd keep it anonyymous of course, but he'd know it was about him, as would everyone else if he divulged my identtity here on LS. Seems to me this would make him less likely to bring my LS world out into the open. Thoughts?

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Keep posting, as much as you can, answer lots of threads, go the other sections, post in the watercooler, join in on the fun threads, get your post count up and hopefully after 60 or so posts or, and also a month (need a certain amount of posts and 1 month on LS) so you can have PM enabled. I think I remember you, so PM me when you become an established memeber and get PM options..


OK, it is possible he's installed a keylogger on your computer. Or he has browsed through your history, and that's how he found you on here.


I will post too, to get my count up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

That is quite an unfortunate situation you're in; I'm sure it must be exceedingly tough for you :(

i've met a few stalker types in my life and from the one's I've met they all have one thing in common: they're all usually emotionally unstable - which means they're capable of drastic things, so please be careful.


be sure to keep your computer safe, its easier to gain access to your computer than you think.

if your Ex has access to a laptop and knows where you live, he can pretty much get onto any computer in your house and judging by the fact you said he's trying to get his Support reduced, i'll assume you mean child support and this means he can access your child's computers also.

Assuming that you've taken all the necessary measures such as changing email addresses and passwords etc, which judging by your post you seem to be on top of this the harassment should hypothetically stop.


If, however the stalking continues he might be hacking into your home network and as someone has already said, its possible he's put a key logger on your computer. Does he have a history of computer knowledge?

if you like I'll be more than happily to show you how easily it is to gain access to a home network in less than 10 minuets if you're security isn't up to scratch and how to defend yourself against it.

obviously it isn't wise to post this info on the forum you're being stalked on if he does happen to just come upon the post.

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