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Really enjoying karate but...

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... the thing I'm finding hardest is getting more "flexible".


I'm almost 38. About five years ago, I did kickboxing classes for about six months. After a couple of months of doing it, I was considerably more flexible than I'd been before, and could do higher kicks than I could previously.


I started doing karate in December. I like it a lot; doing it at least twice a week, three times if possible. The classes always begin with about ten minutes of warmups and stretching.


I don't feel that my flexibility has increased very much -- for example, I still can't do a side kick that goes much above waist level. There are people in the class who are clearly older than me, but who can do that. (Mind you, I've never in my life been able to touch my toes while keeping my legs straight either...)


I realize I'm approaching/already in middle age (jesus, that's a scary thought) and that probably has something to do with it?


I could definitely stand to lose a bit of fat weight; maybe that's a factor too?


Anybody have any thoughts on how to improve flexibility, that I'm not doing already? Or am I expecting too much change after only two and a bit months of this? Or am I expecting too much because I'm almost 38? :o


Thanks everybody...

Edited by reservoirdog1
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I suggest Yoga. Flexibility is the key to fitness and I found that Yoga has helped me to be flexible, even more than when I was in my 20s (I'm 33 btw). I also do Muai Thai Kickboxing at the moment and I certainly improve my high kicks by far.


I don't mean to push product and I know some men are self conscious in joining Yoga class. I recommend to google Rodney Yee Power Yoga (total body workout).


It's one hour workout (fast and you will be soaked by the time you finish). I know a lot of athletes are taking this to increase their flexibility.


Good luck!

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