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Tell or not to tell


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Okay Hi everyone i need some help.


Recently i have realised i have been having feelings for a friend (male) in my class in college, i used to think he was cocky and a ladies man but after a college trip away i realized he is a kind, caring and sensitive person, i know have fallen for him in a big way, but i am afraid to do anything about in for fear of rejection and having to sit every day in lectures with him, more than embaresment is the that i do really like the guy :love::love:


My friend is convinced that he has feeling for me too and he is very to hugging me and openly complimenting me, but still find it to believe he would actually like me, he could get any girl..... what should i do tell him and risk ourfriendship which is important to me or wait and see if he makes a move...:lmao:

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You should go for it. I don't know why women always expect guys to make the move.


It doesn't have to be a big move that will make you feel embarrassed if he turns you down. Something easy like asking him to study together, get coffee or attend an activity that you like. Once you two are talking you will know whether he likes you or not.

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Most guys have to make the move. You could make a small move that doesn't open you up to rejection. Or you could make a big move and say you wish he would ask you out... if you had the guts to say "I wish you would ask me out." Well that would do it.

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Good points there Green. But what do you think, can most guys recognize the signs that a woman is really into them, and not just as friends? And by "most" I suppose I mean the ones who are not afraid to make the first move. For the OP's situation, I would say yes start with something innocent like a just a casual date to a public place; coffee, ice cream, a movie..anything you think would be preferred.


If he really is kind and sensitive, he won't be rude if he is not interested. But sounds like he could just be being careful, maybe has the same concerns with the friendship as you have despite his interest.

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Irish you only get one shot in this life. go for what you want. For every reward there is an accompanying risk, and visa -versa.

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i am afraid to do anything about in for fear of rejection and having to sit every day in lectures with him


Don't hook up with people you work with or take classes with. Simple as that. You will save yourself a lot of drama and stress.

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