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Webcam VS Porn

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Is there a difference between looking at a porn movie vs looking at someone masterbate on webcam. Not just live webcam but downloading a webcam video?


I understand that men are visual and porn is a stimulant to get off. I as well look at porn...but is looking at a person who isnt a porn star, just a regular person that could be your neighbor on webcam a little different?


Is it Cheating?

Edited by Angel Pie
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It's weird...I think. When I do watch pron, I seem to like watching just the amateur stuff. Its far more "real" and not some blonde slut shouting "oh f*ck my pussy!".


It doesn't have to be that hardore either, it just seem more authentic if that makes sense. So I guess looking at someone masturbate, its more personal...if you are comparing like for like. But it's still imagery. Pixels on a screen.


I don't think it's cheating...well....it's not. It's still imagery. I think it crosses the line when you know the person in the video.




my $0.2

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It's weird...I think. When I do watch pron, I seem to like watching just the amateur stuff. Its far more "real" and not some blonde slut shouting "oh f*ck my pussy!".


It doesn't have to be that hardore either, it just seem more authentic if that makes sense. So I guess looking at someone masturbate, its more personal...if you are comparing like for like. But it's still imagery. Pixels on a screen.


I don't think it's cheating...well....it's not. It's still imagery. I think it crosses the line when you know the person in the video.




my $0.2


No, I totally understand what you mean by more authentic. Some people cant get past the cheesyness of a porn movie (bad acting, etc) Some people are not attracted to porn stars with fake boobs. I understand that no matter what it is, you are right its just a bunch of pixels, imagery to release. I just didnt know how I felt about the idea of webcam. When you break it down the way you did it doesnt seem as such a big deal. Porn stars are people too, just with better cameras. I dunno, it just seems more personal.

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Strangely I never considered that cheating. I used to tell my ex boyfriend that it wasn't cheating to me if I were to ever caught him doing that on cam, though he wasn't interest in it. Since he didn't like that, I respected the relationship and agreed with him.

I can't explained dramatic people (mainly other women) that would even be in tears by that if they caught their men doing that. I must be weird because instead of crying, it would turn me on and it would then be my turn but with another man on the cam.

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No, I totally understand what you mean by more authentic. Some people cant get past the cheesyness of a porn movie (bad acting, etc) Some people are not attracted to porn stars with fake boobs. I understand that no matter what it is, you are right its just a bunch of pixels, imagery to release. I just didnt know how I felt about the idea of webcam. When you break it down the way you did it doesnt seem as such a big deal. Porn stars are people too, just with better cameras. I dunno, it just seems more personal.


If we are going on the notion that porn is okay for a guy to look at (depending on what some people think), then I think you have the right idea here.


I personally prefer these type of videos just because porn with production values seems so grotesque, intense, and out of control nowadays. I find it more comforting to just get off to an average or above average body. In my head, I say it helps a guy who likes porn not get his expectations out of control and to have a much more realistic idea of the female body.


I actually sort of worry about the men who a lot of the professional porn is targeted at now, having seen clips of some of it. Even things like a fisheye lense put on the camera to make things seem rounder or bigger is just bizarre to me.


But if it's a webcam video of someone the guy knows, then I think the girlfriend should be concerned as well.

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