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Thinking about leaving

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So I have a question for all of you. How do you know if you are achieving a balance or just being selfish? How do you know you are giving enough and getting enough?

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For myself, a clearly defined boundary is proactive interest, care, and empathy for my communicated needs, just as I proffer those aspects to a mate, real or prospective. Otherwise, bye-bye :)

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So I have a question for all of you. How do you know if you are achieving a balance or just being selfish? How do you know you are giving enough and getting enough?


when things are balanced my head and my heart and my gut are all aligned and i feel very peaceful.


when things are out of balance - usually my gut triggers me that something is "off" which causes me to start paying attention to what that could be and what needs to be done to get things back in balance.

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A woman might posess the memory of an elephant but once a man's heart has been broken, he is done.

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Greg -


i think there's a missing link... you need to start digging... and start paying close attention to every little thing that could be a clue for you.


have you ever hired a PI? her behavior just seems so "off" - even for a woman in the bitch mode - it's just not right.


remember that to be married to a man doesn't give a woman the right to treat him like dirt. that's just so wrong. you shouldn't be putting up with that crap from her.

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