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The Drunken Kiss into "shouldn't have done it" speech


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hi guys, my first post. i have a friend (girl) of 2 years. when we met, i had a girlfriend, but we obviously liked each other. i broke up with my girlfriend months later and eventually started pursuing my friend. but, at this point i was already friendzoned. i liked her very much. i went for it and she basically told me "i don't want to ruin what we have going. i love what we have" which is basically the whole friendzoned thing. i told her that i won't ever pursue her again, and that we will be friends. i was pretty heartbroken but eventually got over it (i never really did get over her, though).


fast forward another year, which is the present. we hang out a lot, and recently started hanging out more. we got together and started drinking. she initiated everything...she started holding my hand while watching a movie. then it turned into full blown making out for about an hour. she then started to go into the whole "i've always liked you. i just didn't want to ruin what we had going".


to be honest, i have pretty much been head over heels about this girl but never let it totally get to me. this is over *two* years of having met her that we finally (and actually) hook up! but she starts saying this stuff. the next day she wanted to meet up, but i was busy with work and couldn't and haven't talked about with her yet.


any advice, interpretations? how do i proceed? obviously this event changed the dynamic of our relationship forever, and i really do like her. i would do anything for her (and she knows this which is probably what always hurt my chances with her).



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First of all.. Does she know what you feel?;)


Because, have in mind that when you told her it was a year ago. Right?


She could be thinking that you changed your mind or something, LOTS can happen in a year.


I think things will go well. If she wants to talk to you, it's probably to set things straight, because you were both drunk. She could've been serious but it's possible that she thinks you weren't.


Listen to what she has to say... Then, tell her what you feel. I'm sure things will go out well. :o

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actually, i wrote something that came out unclear. i should have noted that she HALTED the make out session by saying "we shouldn't do this. i like what we have." this is where i got a little defensive and questioned her, and it ended on a question mark. haven't talked to her since, because my feelings bounce back and forth from "forget her" to "get her". can't help but feel rejection, even after me dying to kiss her for 2 years now and finally getting it.

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actually, i wrote something that came out unclear. i should have noted that she HALTED the make out session by saying "we shouldn't do this. i like what we have." this is where i got a little defensive and questioned her, and it ended on a question mark. haven't talked to her since, because my feelings bounce back and forth from "forget her" to "get her". can't help but feel rejection, even after me dying to kiss her for 2 years now and finally getting it.



Oh.... well, I think you should confront her about it anyway. But you should get your mind clear... Yeah... definetly talk to her.. haha

See what happens...

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