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Ladies! To kiss or not to kiss....

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This is a girl or guy question. Here it goes I have been talking to a "friend" for almost 2 years, I started to have feelings for him so I like a dork told him. Well for the past three months or so we have spent the night at his house we cuddle we get close and hug but NO KISSING :confused: I have been out of the whole dating thing for almost 6 years or so.. I'm new a this should i kiss him? do i let him kiss me? this whole girl guy thing is so confusing.... help me.... someone...

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How did he respond to you when you told him you liked him. It seems from his actions that he is comfortable with that so why not initiate the first kiss if things are mutual?

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I think its a double edged sword. If you make the first move you could come off easy. If you don't he may lose interest. Personally I like girls that make the first move however I haven't had real good luck with them.


Personally I am pretty blunt and to the point. If I like a girl I'll kiss her and let the chips fall. I don't get emotionally attached in an intimate manner until they are on the same plane. In your case it sounds like your already emotionally involved and that's a though spot. Personally I would go for it instead of becoming even more attached and make sure your not wasting your time.

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He really didn't express much. He actually recently within the. Past few weeks or so started to want to hang out with me more often he has agreed and complied with meeting and hanging out with my friends he is extremely shy but has opened up tremendously to me and mine... I don't want to mess up. Great friendship with my feelings...

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