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Friend issues again

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From those of you who have read my previous posts, you will know I fell hopelessly in love with a very good friend of mine until we sorted it out and discussed it, with her saying it wasn't mutual and that she wanted just a friendship.


I then took time out from her, explaining that I needed to get any thoughts of us being together out of my head and continue on with my life. She accepted this and only a week later asked if I was done with my break. I then sent her an email asking her to respect my wishes and work out what exactly it was she wanted from me and she agreed to leave me until I was ready. This was the beginning of the year. Recently we got back in touch, with me having moved on from the experience and moving my attentions on to other things, which has been successful: despite now being back in contact I no longer see her as a potential partner, but just a fun person to talk to...we know each other well. We live far apart and so rarely see each other now.


Having been in contact for a few weeks she suddenly goes blank on me despite my repeated attempts to get in touch, wanting to discuss serious matters with her that had happened in my family. I put this down to something having happened with her, as it's never random busyness. I try and get in contact and managed to Fbook her only today. As usual she acts as if nothing has happened but then suddenly goes off halfway through conversation with no warning, leading me to think that she has a problem with me.


I have suspicions she has found a new man (from talking to her friends, who have their own suspicions) and no longer feels comfortable with me. I really am not bothered if she has a new bf, in fact I am very happy for her as it will brighten up her otherwise dull life (she describes it as boring atm). I have moved on from the situation and am well past it.


I had a lengthy chat with her on the phone on Valentine's Day when we were talking about the day itself, and whether she had anyone in mind. She was totally comfortable with discussing it with me, and didn't seem alarmed when I mentioned my own plans with someone else for that day. She even offered to meet up for coffee, which fell through when she couldn't get the day off work. This latest Fbook disappearance coincided with me mentioning her single status again and telling her she needed a bf when she complained how bored she was, which she agreed on. And then went.


Do you think her not being ready is the correct assumption? With me getting back in touch with her I think she should assume that I am now sorted out in my own head and a non-issue, as that's what I said would be the case when I did contact her again. Is it that she is not ready to think this way and still considers me as a suitor? I know her so well, and yet sometimes she seems like a total stranger. Thanks a lot.

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