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RESEARCH: The majority of couples who live together eventually marry!

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You can use statistics to prove anything. 46% of America knows that.


But seriously, I'd like to know the sample size they used. If it's the classic 2000 people equals all of America sample size. The age ranges they used seem to me that they'd throw off the numbers as well. They used 35-39 year old females who, to me, would make them a bit more mature adults and not 20 somethings living together. Plus 35-39 is near desperation time for some people.


Of those people surveyed in 2002, I'd like to know how many are still together in 2010. That would tell if the marriage was one of those, "Well, I guess you're good enough and I'm kinda desperate." deals.

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Not to mention this contradicts already existent data. I'm a psychology major focusing on interpersonal relationships...and for the good majority of research i've found, it reveals couples that HAVE lived together tend to NOT marry. The idea is that partners think, "I don't have to deal with him leaving the toilet seat up. We're not married! yadayadayada" Versus, "Oh my hubby...leaves the toilet seat up...." etc.

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100 % of people will die at least once in their lifetime.


This is the only true statistic I've ever heard.

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