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Balancing Act

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I'm now a senior in high school and two best friends, A and B. B and I like to hang out with this group of guys, one of whom is B's boyfriend and another is my prom date. There's two other guys, and one of them is the leader of their little group.


My friend A is more of a loner, and does not know the guys as well. She and the leader of the guys also don't get along well---sophomore year drama. Whenever the three of us girls and the guys hang out together, A never talks. She becomes very quiet and having one down person in a group can sometimes just...you know, make the atmosphere not so happy.


I feel guilty since she's always been with me through thick and thin. I would be willing to just hang out with just her all the time, because that would be the morally correct and conscious thing to do. Yet, I don't want to dump B all by herself with four guys, because she, of course, wants to be with her bf. I personally also enjoy being around the guys; they're very funny and entertaining, and honestly, I have more fun with them than with A.


I'm not sure what to do. A and I have talked and she understands and is trying to "suck it up(insert heavy sigh)." However, since this senior group is going to be doing a lot of things together in the next few months, when she is there and moping it really puts a rainy cloud over everything...

Advice please? Thank you all for reading this~

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This is a good example of how all relationships (romantic or platonic) have their own lifespan...people evolve on their own and adapt to those around them...and as people change, their personal tastes, desires, and expectations of friendship will change...


The key is to do what makes you happy...if it means spending less time with A and more time with the group of guys, then so be it...as you said, it is a balancing act, but friendships go through life cycles, and if A chooses not to adapt to your new group of friends...well, she just might be SOL...:(


Don't spend time with a friend just because you feel "obligated" to do so...it's not fair to either of you...you should be with friends because they make your life better...and if a friend just doesn't do that for you anymore, you do know that you are allowed to launch friends, right...?


'A' seems like a Debbie Downer...

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