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and wondering

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Okay, So I am just here to vent. I can't help it. I am making myself crazy.

I have been sort of seeing this guy for about 3 months. We started having sex right away. I actually like this guy. He is very sweet and nice, but I only hear from him to make plans for the next time we hook up.

I spent the night there last night and he left for work before I had to get up so he left me there sleeping and just told me to lock the door when I left.

So I texted him when I got to work this morning saying thanks for letting me sleep in. He didn't even bother to say you are welcome.

The last 2 times I have seen him, he didn't go on and on about how much he missed me and likes me. This was yesterday and on Sunday.


Even if I initiate a text, his replies are short and short lives.

But together, he seems to really like me! Maybe I am just naive?



We go out together, to dinner and shopping and stuff.


Why doesnt he contact me during the week? Is it just false hope that we could be BF/GF or something more than we are???


He one time made a statement saying that I, meaning me, didnt want a relationship. I told him that ya I did. He acted a little shocked and I then said, well I do, but its going at a good pace.

Since then, it seems like he went backwards, like he lost interest. It really seems that way.

I wonder if I should just quit with him. I don't see it going anywhere, even though I want it too, I just don't want to get hurt.

But what if I'm wrong? If I stop talking to him, will he just give up and go away, or will he wonder more???


I hate this SH**

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Just back off abit and cool it with the sex.


See how things go in the next few weeks and then when he calls, be completely honest, lay it all out on the line. You have nothing to lose. Better to know how he feels about you now, and a real possibility of a relationship. You don't want to invest in him if he is just happy having sex and having a casual non emotional relationship. He seems to not include you in his daily life.

Have you met any of his friends? Has he met yours?

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