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He broke up with me because he got cold feet

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I have been dating this guy for 2 years and a half. He is 27 and I am 31. We are from different nationalities working in a thrid country. We live in different cities and we see each other every weekend. We have had a great relationiship with lots of love and caring and have travelled a lot around the world which has strengthened our relationiship even more.I have never felt this much love in my life before and i was always happy. He seemed happy and commited too. Is been a month that I started talking about where our relationship is heading to. He told me that he doesnt want any commitment now, he doesn't see himself as a father or husband now and he is not ready to think about it. He sees a future with me and thats why he is still with me, but he can't promise me anything. All he knows is that he loves me and he wants to continue being with me the way we are. My aim of starting this conversation was not to have him to commit right away, was just to make my intensions clear to him and see where he was standing at given taht we never spoke about this before but I was having the gut feeling that our relationship was going toward a future. His response caught me offguard. We spoke about it only 1 time. I am getting tired of living and workign here and the only reason why I am still here is because of him. It's a tough country to settle down and we all know we are here temporarily. don't see any point continue being here if he is not commited to a future with me. However, he strongly believes that what I am asking for is a commitment right NOW and that is because my family is pushing me to do so given that I am 31, which is not true. I have told him that my parents do not really agree with this relationship (he is younger, he doesn't have any university agree and I do have a master degree) however they will accept whatever decision I make as long as I am happy. Perhaps this has got him think is them pushing me. Last weekend was the second time we got to talk about this and he kept on telling me the same stuff. Last time we had this conversation, i thought it all ended well, we were talking liek adults and friends, considering what can be done about it. At a point, he hugged me and started crying and all of a sudden he said is better to break up as I will always suffer because of him since he can't give me what I need, he said is better for both of us although we will feel miserable now. He said he has loved you so much and asked me to never forget that. I felt shocked and started crying and I begged him to at least stay with me for a while until I put my self together (we were at my place), however he just left... Few hours later he sent me a text message saying "You don't deserve this, I am such a bastard, forgive me" I didn't reply. The next day he sent an email saying that he will never forget me and I have been very important in his life, he can't believe it ended like this however is better now than later. Knowing himself he can't give me what I want and he doesn't even know if he can give that to me in the future and that makes him feel really bad. He said he knows I will never forgive him and that makes him feel miserable, then he wished me all the best in my life. I didn't reply to this email either. The next day he sent another text message telling me he is worried about me and begged me to answer to his text messages. I didn't. He sent another text message the other day and kept on calling me at home, at work and on my mobile. I never answered. Then he dropped me an email saying that he needs to know how am i doing, and I just replied telling him" I am fine". Then he asked why am I not answering to him, then I said "what do you want", and he said "is been 4 days I haven't heard from you, I am really worried, thats all". This happened 2 days ago and he hasn't contacted me since then. My logic tells me is better to move on and cut all the communication channels with him, however deep inside myself I love him and I would like to give it a chance, however I am not sure whether he is worth it.

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