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The Law & Why Does A Person Do This To Someone?

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I live in California and I am 46 years old.


I have recently found out that my boyfriend (so I thought) has been cheating online & who knows with where else he's meeting other ladies. This has been going on I found out for over 4 months now.


We also just found out that one of the ladies he's been with is now pregnant!!


He has borrowed money from several of them as well. Some over $2500.00!

One girl said Don't lend him money he won't repay it.

He is also on workers comp and yet running errands for pay from another womans boss.


Someone cracked into his PC, unless he gave her the password and found all his letters, their addresses, notes from these ladies, (saying they were happy with the date, can't wait to see him, etc.

(She put out the warning for all of us. WHAT A LADY!)


In fact the only one in there looked like they were attached to someones mail in Russia writing him back. Also claiming his eternal love to her as well. He claims she is a PEN_PAL. There are also other women in Poland, Australia and all over the USA! From California to Pa!


He claims he will prosecute the person who found out his mail account and send her to jail. Can he do this???


I'd actually like to throw the women a party for revealing this man.


He got caught another woman wrote. LOL He's lucky he didn't meet Ms. Bobbett! LOL


He has promised several of these women, marriage, love, and hopes of moving in together as well.


Most of these women are on the larger side, but yet many are not.


He even admitted to me that most ladies on these sites are lonely. They see him and fall in love. Then he yells at me and tells me we weren't exclusive!


I said that's funny, you're the one that has told me several times when I've joked with you about others, that I'm the only one, you're NOT seeing anyone. I satisfy your every need. We'll get married someday and I'm his eternal love.


Yet, he's always got his daughters or they're in the hospital or he's tired. (Yeah I wonder why) so I hardly see him. NOW I KNOW WHY! Yet, he still claims he doesn't have time for all of this.

Thing that gets me is, how can he keep all his women (OVER 20) names and things a part?







I even asked if he was dating others, he said "NO he's Monogamous" Yeah Right..


Is there a Law to prosecute him for what he's done with borrowing money, besides philandering?


What can we do if we find our boyfriend cheating with other women and borrowing money from them?


Beware of Internet dating, I know some have been great, but then you have these philandering men and women that just use us up for their own satisfaction.


Why does a person do this to people??




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Is there a Law to prosecute him for what he's done with borrowing money, besides philandering?


There are laws against fraud and failing to repay a legitimate debt. You didn't give enough information to determine if he has committed a tort or crime with respect to money borrowing. The size of his creditors' bodies is not of interest to the judge. It is rare that the law will intervene in a case of reneging on a marriage promise. He has some child support judgments in his future if the unfortunate expectant mother chooses to pursue him.


He claims he will prosecute the person who found out his mail account and send her to jail. Can he do this???

Something tells me this fella does not like to dally near law enforcement officials if it can be avoided. If he does, they'll flick his silly complaint off their desks like the booger it is.


[He has over 20 women.] WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS ANYWAY????

Everybody has a hobby, and you know, if you only get a few grand from each, you need quite a lineup to get you through the year.


What can we do if we find our boyfriend cheating with other women and borrowing money from them?

We at Loveshack will support you in "kicking him to the curb", "sending him on a nutsack bungee jump", and libelling him as an "Assclown" from here to Chechnya. Also looks like you could nail him for workers' comp fraud. That might be the most satisfying.

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Why are you still TALKING to this guy????? What a cyber con-artist CREEP!!! Get the hell away from him before he involves you in his philandering. I usually give guys at least a little 'grace'....but this guy would get NON from me.

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