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Looking up other girls?

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Hey guys... I'm back. :(


I have a question. How should I take my it that my BF looks up other girls on Facebook?


I don't think they're girls he knows, just attractive ones he went to school with. I just dealt with him using a dating site.... which we recovered from. Though, I need to rebuilt my trust. I am having trouble trusting him, which led me to looking at his history on his browser again. I saw a bunch of pictures of young girls my age that were really cute.... Profiles, pics of them in swimsuits, ect.


How should I be taking this? I really am starting to doubt he has his eyes on me anymore. :( I know I shouldn't be jealous about him just 'looking' or err... "prying on their profiles" but seriously WTF? I never have the urge to look up cute guys I knew in highschool. In his case, he doesn't even know these girls as aquaintances.


Should I be worried? Is this nothing?

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Seeing as you are just getting over previous problems in your relationship, he should be doing everything he can to make you feel secure again, and to rebuild that trust that he lost.


Is he talking to these women? If he is, is it casual conversation, or is he stepping over boundaries? I think that you need to talk to him about your concerns. If he doesn't have a valid explanation, or is being defensive or suspicious about the situation, then it is a reason to worry, and to leave.


Just remember, if he isn't doing anything to prove that he can now remain faithful, then he isn't worth the tears. You accept what you believe you deserve. ♥

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