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not quite sure

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sorry this might be long!

i met my ex boyfriend last year, it was just after id split up with my previous bf, but it got serious pretty quickly, we lived together for 3 months of summer!

but i live with my ex.... it always caused problems but i had no intention of going back there!

then 2 weeks ago i slept with him.... i barely have any memory of it! im not going to use alcohol as an excuse... i just cant understand why i did it!

anyway since christmas me and my ex were very stressed with exams and stuff, and we drifted apart a little... i thought i wanted space... now i know i really didnt


in the week after i cheated on him i was a mess... even more mean than usual... kept him at arms length. i couldn t bear what id done, and it started making me ill! so i had to tell him


so then last saturday my then boyfriend came out with... "i dont think its working" so i just old him! came straight out with it.

we talked for a little that night then he left


the next morning i went round and we ended up sleeping together...

then again the next night i stayed over... we were both drunk!


then on wednesday we met for a drink and he said he wanted to giv e it a go after easter... so i was so happy! he was talking to me a while via facebook after we met up then that evening he ignored me...

then i saw him in uni the next day and he was all funny with me, and then again the next day, but we had agreed to go for a drink on the friday night.

So come friday i ask if we'r still going and he passes saying he's ill, but we'd go for coffee the next day!

so saturday i go round to his.... he tells me he doesnt want to make a go of it because he's seeing someone else!


i was in total shock! and as it happens he met up with her to sort out some society things on weds and things happened.... then he blew me off on friday for a date with her.


he even told me he had a really nice evening with her.

he said he jsut wanted someone to be nice to him!

i tried telling him that i know how horrible ive been, and i apolagised over and over for the cheating.... b ut hes just not having any of it!



while i was at his he went in to kiss me numerous times then changed his mind at the last minute...


anyway my question is... do you thin k there's any chance at all of reconcilliation? and do you think this girl is a rebound or not?


it only took him from us splitting saturday, till weds for it to happen?!



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He had said on his side that the relationship wasn't working out for him. And finding out about your cheating could have pushed him farther away then he had been initially.


It is possible that this new woman is a rebound considering he went with her quickly after you've split. And that he is quick to rub this new woman in your face.


But, seeing as the way he's been treating you id say that he isn't looking for reconciliation. I think that you should cut your losses and move on. ♥

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