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Not sure if this should go here but ?!


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Ok so i really didn't know where to post this since it really doesn't fit in any category. My friends are trying to help me out but they seem to be just as lost as me.

This is the situation last May i meet this guy, and he happened to be dating this girl i knew, but we really hit it off, and since at this point I could never see myself being with someone that was dating someone else, i said no when ever he asked me out for even if it was a friendly coffee. However my cousin was also really close to him and in August we ended up hanging out a lot with him, and one thing led to another and we ended up going out for around a week when I decided i was being a sleaze ball of a person and ended it, but we still stayed friends, and so we stayed till about 2 months ago. We had pretty much had to hide our friendship since his gf was incredibly jealous. And their relationship was always super sketchy that fought constantly but we both got tired of hiding it and she found out. During that time however we ended up getting drunk and hooking up twice in one week. About 3 days later they broke up but nothing happened to us we just stayed friends. This is where i get confused. About two weeks ago we hooked up again and he suggested we be in a relationship, and to ultimately be my first. Now i have no problem sleeping with him ( as bad as it sounds) since i don't know anyone im that comfortable and attracted to, but when ever were supposed to get together and talk about it something goes wrong he works to late, my parents come home early or we end up with friends that cant know anything about us. (since i have no intention of his ex and he friends who are also mine knowing about us yet) He is just so strange sometimes he seems so eager to be in a relationship calling randomly to talk, and i can tell he is jealous when i talk about other guys, but then we just jump into the friend faze again. The thing is i can not be the one to tell him i want a relationship or insist on it, since not only am I not that kind of person I also need it to be his idea since he is that kind of guy. And i honestly I'm just confused as to what to do. So if anyone could help i would really appreciate it.

Thank you

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