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A lil' early, but any Valentines Day ideas?

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well, Valentines is around the corner, although barely a month away. I know this is a lil early to wonder what I should get for my loved one, but i need to know what ideas to use. Not any of those traditional stuff, I mean, more unique ideas. Like I have this idea of makin Fortune Cookies with Fortunes that explains the many reasons why I love her. Anyone with any Valentines Day Stories or Advice? Please Help.

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1. excellent avatar.


2. i love the fortune cookie idea! that's one i have never heard of before! you could make her a whole meal and have those as the crowning touch. damn, that's sweet, and creative! you could also make her a soundtrack of her favourite songs to listen to during dinner, with a CD cover of a fortune cookie of something.

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I don't know, dude. I'm still learning about the romance thing. This may be a little bit out of your league, but I will tell you one thing, I did, that won an ex of mine over.


A day after Valentines day, I unexpectedly showed up on her front doorstep with a rose and a $4.00 box of candy that had the price tag still stuck on it. I never saw a woman so excited! I honestly think that that was the day she fell for me!



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I think the fortune cookie idea is delightfully original. I think folks will be hard-pressed to come up with something better!! Go with it!!

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Me too-the fortune cookie thing is great! If you really still want another idea, I'll tell you what I gave my guy last year...


I made a chequebook for him (I created the template for the cheques, with the Bank of ** (my name) in the corner etc ) and each cheque was for something he could cash in, like a back massage, a beach picnic with me, someone to take pics of him surfing, a romantic dinner for two..etc.. i was creative and thought of the stuff he'd like. I then set up a surprise picnic for us at lunch on Valentine's Day by the beach (still hot weather over here then) and presented him with the chequebook- he loved it! (and still has some to cash in! :) )

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By the way...how do you make fortune cookies? I'd love to try that, with little messages for my parnter...

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