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Help me please.....

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I'm sitting here at the point of crying cos I don't know what to do. My fiance and I got engaged just before xmas, we seemed to have a perfect relationship. But since we've gotten engaged, he's changed. He doesnt want to talk all that much anymore, he's military so we can only see each other at weekends. We used to call each other 2 or 3 times a day and now he says that we don't need to talk everyday. I don't know what to do, I'm so sad and wonder if this is already happening before we get married, is it the right thing to do? He says that he knows I love him, and he loves me so why bother calling each other every day just for talking about petty things. I don't think its right, but I don't know what to do. I've even threatened leaving the country and going home, because of some health problems, and he said if it was for the good of my health maybe I should, whats going on with him......please help.....I'm so confused..

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In my opinion, it's not healthy to call someone you love two to three times a day, if you've got nothing to talk about. Maybe he's put up with that, because he loves you. Now that you're engaged, he probably felt that it's okay to tell you that you are bothering him by not giving him enough space. If you feel that you can't communicate your feelings about this with him, are you sure that you're ready to marry him?

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Sounds like he is being quite insensitive. Take some time to think about what you want and tell him straight-up. Better to take care of all issues now rather than after you get married.

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Could be that he feels comfortable now, knowing he 'has' you because you two are engaged. I learned never to get too comfortable with someone. When you do, you take them for granted if you realize it for not. As for moving out of the country, and him agreeing, that is very insensitive. But he could be saying Yes to that, because it hurt him in the first place by you presenting him with that threat.


Communication is the big thing here, sometimes some peopel fall out of the puppy dog love stage faster than others. Try to have a heart to heart talk with him, and see what is bothering him.

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