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Should I ask her again?

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I've know this girl for over a month now, met her in one of my classes. We're sort off friends now (don't really know her that well) Most of the time I never act this fast, but don't want to wait to long and end up being just friends without having tried something.

I asked her out but I'm not really sure what she meant by her answer.

This is how our conversation went; (btw English is not my native language)


me; so do you want to do something sometime?

her; tonight?

me; no, maybe next week?

her; I don't know


Couldn't really talk some more because other people were there and didn't bring it up again.

Just a little while before that I had asked her if she had any plans for that night, which she didn't have.


Could "I don't know" really mean "no" but she just wanted to be nice to me?

She does have some plans for this week (a friend visiting her from abroad and a concert) I'm also not sure if she thought that I meant "doing something tonight", that's why I'm wondering about the "I don't know".


She may suspect that I like her because I asked her about her relationship status on facebook, it said married to another girl, so also asked if she was into guys. (she is and single) She thought it was funny and that I was actually the first to ask her about it. I was also invited to an event through facebook by her but she also invited a bunch of other people so that probably doesn't mean anything.


So should I ask her again but suggesting a time and date this time? I was thinking about asking her to go for drinks after a movie we have to see at our course or maybe just some evening.

Should I also hint at my intentions to be sure that she doesn't think it's just hanging out as friends?

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She knows you like her by the lame way you asked her out. When you ask a girl out, you have to have a place date and time ready. You only ask her out when you find something in common to do. Or just coffee.


"Im going to Starbucks, wanna join me?"


Or if you know her already somewhat..


"I want to take you to the [whatever place] at 7:30 on tuesday, hows that sound?" That way she can either say yes, no, or an alternative day.


If she says anything but "yes" its usually a "no".


She said "i dont know", thats pretty much a no, but you can try again to get a better no.


You can only ask for about 3 days max in advance.


Theres no guessing game when asking a girl out, when shes interested, she'll make it easy for you. Anyone who doesnt, dont get involved with them.

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Thanks for the advice. I know it was lame but we were both drunk and it was my only chance that day to ask her in person. (only see her once a week)

She is a pretty extravert person so I don't think she would have a problem with saying just no to me.


I actually know a lot about her, we send messages on facebook and got her number so it's not like we're strangers.


I guess I'll ask her again (with place, date and time) to get a clear answer. I'd rather just get a "no" and forget about her than to keep wondering.

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