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Being "bf material" -- insult or compliment?

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I’m thinking insult. It seems that many women who express an interest in LTRs dismiss men who are “bf material” as secondary sex options. Does this mean that sex in ONSs/FWBs is better than in a committed relationship? If so, what’s the draw to “bf material” guys for LTRs? If not, why wouldn’t the “bf material” guy be one to look to for a ONS or FWB?


I know one easy response is that men have been categorizing women this way for centuries and that turnabout is fair play, but unfortunately, I’ve never had a ONS or FWB, so I have to find out these things second-hand. The few women I attracted when single had me pegged squarely in “bf material” territory. At the time, I had this crazy notion that sex and intimacy in a committed relationship would be at least as good as what could happen in a ONS or FWB relationship, but I now feel that that was naïve.

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Not the love ace

Eh, don't take it serious. Its only a saying, who cares my friend. Take it as a compliment, AT LEAST they think you're attractive.

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