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Update on my situation

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It's been a few months since I have posted anything. Not much to say, the big day is tomorrow and after that I will officially be divorced. Some days are worse than others, doing better though I guess.


I don't see him much, his new woman doesnt like me for some reason which is fine it's to painful and weird to be around him a lot now anyways. Still need to find time to get the rest of my things out of his house.

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Make the time to go get your stuff. I feel so much better since I did that. Take someone with you for support - I was lucky enough to have family help me with that part. I also found it much easier that the STBExW wasn't there when I did it. I'm not saying it was easy - I cried throughout the whole experience, but once we were away from there I felt so much better.


It was almost like a release when I left the keys inside and shut the door that last time.

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