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Sunrise together, did i fail here?

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ok i started working on campus and didnt know anyone, cute girl decided to come see what i was about, we hung out a few times amongst other friends, there was a little chemistry.


Fast forward to the situation. I had been talking to her over spring break, shes local like me, we decided to hang out, after texting nonstop for a day or so. So it came down to when she was free, she said the afternoon because she was busy the morning, then out with friends at night. So i joked at said how about 4am?


She loved the idea we decided why not see the sunrise together at my favorite spot, on the top of a giant hill under a windmill overlooking 200 miles of surrounding area, and we talk the back of a truck bed under covers for 3 hours, went to beautiful waterfalls, and got breakfast at a family owned diner of hers. It was awesome, and i didnt realize how awesome it was till i got home went to bed and woke up, slapped myself in the face and realized what i did, or rather what i didnt.


I didnt pull the trigger at all, and i massively regret not making a memory out of the night and trying to kiss her because it was indeed a very memorable night i really hope i didnt mess it up.


What really held me back is the fact that im new to this dating and friends thing... I suffered a really bad break up about a year and a half ago that really shut me down emotionally, ive dated since then but not like this, we got along way to well talked about a lot of personal things. The reason i mention this is because, she has a lot of guy friends, and im sure she hangs out with them a lot, if this is just generally the way she hangs out with guys then ill feel like a fool.


Ontop of the fact that we were alone in the middle of nowhere and it would be a total morning ender if i got rejected, is that a legit excuse or am i being a pussy :/


What do?

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You are finding a chemistry between her bcos u got some1 to talk openly , u r attracted to her. and also at same time u r afraid of getting ur feelings hurt.I would insist to spend more time with her n get to know her properly before putting any proposal. Bcos as u mentioned she has lot of guy frnds so may b she is also taking u as a frnd.You should wait if u dont want to get hurt n know her better.Secondly if she is really interested in you she will give u sign u will know it.

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Why can't you just enjoy the memory? You had an amazing time so remember it as one. I'm sure you'll get another opportunity to kiss her.


The moment doesn't define the kiss, the kiss defines the moment.

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A clumsy kiss isn't fun. Waiting is OK. I suggest keeping up the communication, doing something different.


Even with my wife, I go for a soft snuggle, for a long while, relaxation, then we dance with signals prior to kissing.


Then it's a KISS with everything going for it.

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Exactly. Just chill, our lives aren't movies, not everything needs to be picturesque and perfect. Sometimes the best moments are the ones which come out of nowhere.

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