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Boy issues.

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Okay in a bit of a sticky situation and need some advice. Heres how it started... I started working at the same place as him and he asked me for my number. I gave it to him and he started texting me asking to hang out. I always made up excuses so we couldnt. I wasnt interested at all. He would call and text all the time and I was quite frankly annoyed. Until the night I found out he had a girlfriend. I called and blew up on him telling him how he was such an ******* and what not. I hung up and instantly it was like i wanted him. I wanted what i couldnt have. So the next day we were casually texting and I brought up that I would hang out with him and we could be "very good friends" only if he broke up with his girlfriend. (they had been together 3 years). So they broke up and we hung out the next day. We both agreed it would only be a physical relationship and thats all I wanted i thought. Until we started to talk all day, hang out all the time and i started to like him. He was very sweet, always talking to me and calling me the sweetest names ( i thought that was a lil cheesy but still liked it). This all lasted 3 weeks. All of a sudden he is not talking to me as much. Hes not trying to hang out like always was. He wouldnt tell his friends about me either because they really liked his ex so I told him I wasnt going to see him until he did cause I didnt like to be hidden. He said sorry he wasnt ready for this. We talked later and he said he still liked me but wasnt ready for a relationship and he wasnt expecting for us to be like this. I told him I felt like he lead me on and I was probably going to find a new job. So days after that he would only text me if I texted him first and it was so weird at work. Well a few days later I ask him to hang out and we went and got dinner then went to a park and just sat and talked. He told me we could just see what happens from here. I thought that sounded good and when he left he kissed me. So I was all happy and excited until he didnt talk to me the next few days. I didnt understand. So he doesnt text me and starts treating me differently. A few days later he called me and we got to talking and he told me about his night before. He went out to the bars and saw this one female friend and one they lead to another and they went back to her hosue. They didnt sleep together but fooled around. I tried to act like I didnt care and he kept saying it sounded like I was jealous. So we got off the phone and i sent him a text saying "look im not trying to play games. Im not going to sit here and compete with her and wait for nothing. If you like me like you say you do you need to stop treating me differently. Thats fine if you arent ready to date or whatever but we should atleast stay where we were at. He tells me he just wasnt honestly ready for anything and he would tell me if he wasnt into me. He said he knew i mind games better and he wouldnt even try. I finished with if you keep treating me this way im done. So we continued you talk for a bit and that was it.


Last night 3 hours after that convo I sent him a text and asked if he got home okay. No response. So I sent another one a couple hours ago and said oh boy did i just have a weird dream about you. No response. Then way later i said call me before you go to bed sometime. NO response.


So i started to get the hint but at the same time he just said "its common courtesy, I would tell you if i was done with you. So I was thinking okay weird.


I didnt text him all day today but at 5 I casually said hey whats up. No Repsonse. SO I get it.. it probably sounds like he isnt interested but this isnt like him at all. A month ago he would have been texting me left in right and calling me all the time. I dont get it. I dont know what to say or do. Please help! Im soo confused! I dont want to annoy him but its so weird because this was him annoying me a month ago.

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Hmm, I'm a little confused. But from past experiences I'd say if there's this much drama so far and you two aren't even going out yet, it wouldn't get much better once you're in a relationship, so I'd suggest dropping it.

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