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PLS READ: STD that condoms don't always protect against

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Hi everyone. I need to write about this because I was diagnosed with this last week and I have always used protection.


HPV = human papilloma(sp?) virus


researchers estimate that 50-80% of the young, sexually active population HAVE THIS STD.


It can be transmitted from skin-skin contact, penetrationdoesn't have to occur. So it can be transmitted through oral sex, or even just touching each other.


It's in the family of genital warts, but men usually have no symptoms and women often don't, either. I had no sign that I had this STD and was tested for HIV and of course I'm clean. So my fiancee and I use birth control pills as our protection.


Men aren't greatly affected by it, but it has been shown to cause cervical cancer later in life for women. I havebeen diagnosed with stage 1 dysplasia, abnormal and cancerous cell growth (It goes from 1-6). So I have to be monitored and get a pap every 3 months. Sometiems the body's immune system can take care of it.


Another method of treatment is laser surgery, which takes the first layer of skin off your cervix. Fun. The result can be difficulty in getting or staying pregnant later, when you want to have children.


If you are a sexually active female, get tested for HPV and have your pap done anually. It could save your life. I wish I had known about this STD before I had had sex.

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Great post and excellent information. Every word is true. I have a friend in Texas with exactly the same thing. It can cause more emotional and psychological issues as physical ones once it is diagnosed.


I think men ought to get checked out for this as well, even though you say they aren't greatly affected. Men who sleep around can spread it like wildfire to their partners.


There is a bouquet of diseases that can be transmitted through human contact. Everybody ought to get a physical once a year these days. More care should be taken in chosing partners as well.


It's a little scary that condoms don't really do it completely for us anymore.

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