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.. True or false?


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Some men and women can be sexual quickly with strangers and process that dynamic and get to know each other and build intimacy within it. Is the OP one of them? Her posts are a bit unclear on that aspect, though it does appear that the 'relationship' part of getting know each other was sufficiently deficient for her to post an inquiry here in the past. To me, as I've often mentioned, it's about compatibility. Of course, the man is part of that equation too. Is he capable of forming an intimate bond with a person whom he has sex with quickly? OP, did you ever learn of your partner's relationship history? If so, how did that go?

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Yeah.. his past is one heartache over another.. he's 32, never been married and been in only a few serious relationships.. He has only slept with 4 (me being#4 people.. or sooo he claims)..


For those who decided I may have been too easy.. I knew and talked to him, as a friend, online for over a year before we even met... He doesn't take sex lightly.. and I believe him when he says it.. i sort of seduced him.. and he had no choice but to give in to my seduction.. lol..


AS AN aSIDE.. my story has taken an odd turn... saturday, a few drinks later.. we get in a pretty heated text convo about he and i.. and I'm basically pleading with him to come over. and "hang out"... thinking.. if this is all he wants, then I may as well have it when I want it and have fun with it... he acted like he was really tired...


Then Sunday he didn't mention sex, or anything. Today we are texting and he mentions that he wants more with me and that is why he didn't come over Saturday...


OMG.. does this mean what I think it means???? OR.. is this just some sort of reverse psychology????

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Well, if he wants to ask you out on a 'real' date, why, in all the infernal texting, doesn't he do that? I mean, there's hundreds of restaurants even in the little podunk town near me. When I started dating, I simply asked the lady if she liked sushi. OK, you do, I'll meet you at xxx at xxx. Took a couple minutes on the phone. Done and done. Same with subsequent dates, whether meeting or picking up or whatever. It ain't rocket science and I haven't had sex with anyone.


If he continues the chatter without asking you on a date, cut him off.... do not ask him to 'hang out'.


BTW, four is my number too and it doesn't stop me from asking women out on dates ;)

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Me and a girl friend were talking tonight and she said something that made me wonder.. she said...


Nowadays.. I don't think it's unlikely for two people to develop a really great relationship.. even if in the beginning it is mainly about sex and sexual attraction... how combatible the two are in bed may actually help the relationship later.. better to find out now that they click or not..




If you like someone's looks and are turned on by them AND you like their personality - then sure, you could start off casually, have good sex and develop into more over time.


But if you dont have any chemistry outside of the bedroom...good sex isnt going to make it last long term.


Many times if I am getting lucky early, it will cause me to let it drag on longer...but I still know deep down it will never be more than sexual.

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