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Why didn't my shy crush say goodnight to me?

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Why didn't this shy girl say goodnight to me?


This just happened last night. I was at my friend's house and everything was going swimmingly. My crush, his sister, showed her usual signs of liking me (mainly looking at me). In the past, she would show other signs of liking me such as such as looking at me when I’m not looking at her, mimicking me, asks people she knows questions about me, shows concern for me if she thinks I’m in trouble, her friends act differently around me, blushing around me, etc.


It wasn't until the end of the night when it was time to get ready to leave that things became confusing for me. My parents had just arrived to pick me up, so my friend and I stopped what we were doing and headed upstairs from the basement. They were already busy talking to his dad. My mom said hi to my friend and he didn't say a word, he just went over to his dad to ask him a question. Then he went off to bed.


However, this isn't what is bothering, but it does tie into my problem. It's when my crush and her mom got home (they were there for dinner, but had left shortly after) that things took a turn for the worst. My crush hugged her mom, then went over to her dad and hugged him. That's when I chimed and said "good night". This triggered a series of good nights from everyone else, but her mom. She didn't say good night back to me or anyone until my mom said the same thing, not even her dad. Then she too went off to bed and said hello to her brother when she got up there. A few minutes later she came back down to fill her glass with water. Then she headed back upstairs, but before she did, when she walked by mom she said something like "see ya" (it was hard to tell, she said it softly) and my mom responded. Once again, nothing towards me. She came down again soon after to ask her mom a question, but that was all that happened. It seemed like she was going to make a fourth appearance, but she only said something from upstairs. Then it was time for us to go.


I know she was tired, even her mom said she was, but she could've at least said good night to me. After all, I said good night to her. She has actually initiated a good bye on three separate occasions, two of them in which she said it only to me. However, she appeared to be tired at those times as well.

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