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What Am I Supposed to do? Please help!


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What are you supposed to do if you love someone but you don't seem to be able to tell them and when you see them it is very infrequent and its not for a lenghty period of time?


This person is in my opinion is amazing - great personality with the looks to match. I am able to talk to her very easily and we always have a great laugh. Although I seem to be inable to take it further than just being good friends [especially the night when i spend nearly 2 hours just me and her talking]. She has always been very touchy feely with me (but she is in most cases like that with the people she gets on with), kisses on the cheek (odd time on the lips), playful slaps and recently she lay across me while sitting on the couch, pretty much for the durations we were sitting there (although we were with other friends and it was her legs to my knees). I know she likes me as a friends but I don't know whether she likes me any more than that.


What should i do to see if she likes me more than just a friend without being obvious and without telling her my feelings?

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Wow, you guys seem to really like eachother. Maybe you can send her little vibes or so, so that she knows that you like her a little more than just a friend. Will since you are really close maybe you can ask her how she feels. Maybe she doesn't want to admit she really lkies you back.


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